Pass-a-Grille Way Progresses

“Our Contractor, (Nelson) will be wrapping up Phase 1 of the Pass-a-Grille Way project over the next 60 days” said Eileen Torres in the city’s October newsletter. Nelson is clearing their materials out of Hurley Park, making way for Gibbs and Register, the contractor who was awarded Phase 2 of the project (South from 19th Ave.). No date is set yet for Phase 2 to begin.

Meanwhile, Frontier Communications is installing a new conduit line south from Don Vista. Some residents have been without phone or internet since Sept. 25th. The existing line continues to have maintenance problems and the new line is expected to provide a higher level of service for everyone in Pass-A-Grille.

The Detour at 30th Ave & Sunset Way will remain most of November.  Road building continues from 25th Ave south to 21st Ave with paving expected the week of November 16th.

This entire sanitary sewer system from 19th Ave. north to the Don CeSar is now complete. The storm water system remains on schedule to be complete in all areas by the end of first week in November which will complete all utilities for the project. The reconstruction of the 21st Ave Intersection is expected to last through most of November. 

The final paving for all of phase 1 (from 19th north to the Don) is expected in the middle of December, with temporary street striping. A couple of weeks later, the final high-visibility striping will be put down. Once the paving is in place, (Nov. 22-25th) Duke Energy will return to install the remaining street lights.  Installation of 292 Washingtonian Palms is planned in January. All businesses in Pass-A-Grille are open and they are looking forward to your visit. 

Article by Eileen Torres & Jay Anderson • Edited by Peter Roos

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