Pass-a-Grille Home Tour 2014

pag-home-tour105 12th Ave

Surprises await the visitors to this unique home. From the first viewing, it looks like a charming little bungalow with a picket fence and blue shutters. However, upon entering you will find that this home just goes on and on. Built in 1956 and remodeled in the 1990’s, it contains 3 bedrooms and 2 baths and a roomy second floor. Notice the Trompe L’Oeil painting on the wall, a New Orleans-style garden and fountain. Going up the stairs to the second floor notice a collection of tiles that are memorabilia from family and world travels of the prior owners. In the third bedroom, called the “project room”, there is a large collection of fishing charts and nautical charts, rods and reels ,and fishing mementos from Connecticut and Florida. Sponsor: Barbara & Michael Metzler – Paradiso; Florist: Lou’s Florist

2504 Sunset Way

Amazingly enough, this home, one of a kind, built by Jim Nelson in 1971, has had only two occupants.  Jim designed and built this unique aqua and green home that you can easily identify by the large steel fishes facing the road. The wood construction is of cypress. Notice the odd angles in the design, which is a feature that diverts strong winds while other flat-roofed homes may not withstand our occasional major storms.

You enter through a walkway flanked by a bromeliad and orchid collection. All plants in the walkway and back of the home are native to the area. The entrance via glass doors brings you to an airy staircase under which is a wine tasting alcove. Moving forward you can peek into the office on the right, lighted by windows on both sides that  enable the owner to enjoy the flowers and plants outside. Notice the large frog that he keeps for company. You ascend the floating staircase to the second floor and the master suite with its vaulted ceiling that make this space open and airy. The large entryway into the master bedroom is being renovated into a library.  This is a functional as well as a treasure of a home to enjoy. Sponsor: Millard Gamble, Island’s End Resort, Florist: Delma’s florist

pag-hometour-map2909 Sunset Way

This lovely home was built in 1927, about the same time as the Don CeSar. The owners have changed it radically from the time they purchased it in 1983. Most of the architectural plans were designed and carried out by the owner.  When the owners acquired the property it was a duplex apartment with a detached garage.  The first phase of renovation was to replace and enlarge the existing garage, add an apartment above it and connect it to the main house. Five years later the owners demolished virtually the entire interior of the house and converted it back into a single family home. In doing so the exterior took on a Cape Cod-style with a new steeped roof, utilizing the existing aluminum siding.  Renovation to the floors in the main living room required new wood, but the original Spanish tiles were salvaged and used for the entryway, kitchen, dining room and most of the baths. Note the rounded corners of walls. All of the interior molding and door trim is new and was created to match the new architectural style of the house. The bookshelves and cabinetry in the family room and living room were built by the owner. Sponsor: Barb & Jeff Munford – ATM Central, Florist: Delma’s Florist

1403 Pass-a-Grille Way

Built in 1925 this Mediterranean beauty sits facing the Intracoastal Waterway.  While the house has a secluded feeling from the street, when you round the foyer you will see the spectacular view from the open plan and through the glass wall facing the widest point of the Bay. Two bedrooms and private baths, one with an original (non-working) fireplace, can be accessed through beautiful wooden arched doorways found throughout the home. As you ascend the staircase to a completely private second floor suite, notice the Xian, Chinese warrior statue in the alcove and the famous  characters in the photos on the ‘bridge’ wall.     Sponsor: Paul Skipper, Florist: Redman Steele

104 7th Avenue

Reminiscent of the “Prairie Style” homes so popular in the 30’s and 40’s, the black and white exterior of this restored two-story cottage welcomes visitors. The house was built in 1920 by John & Susan Weber.  It was referred to by the locals and the owners as “Green Gables”.  Renovated in March of 2011, the first order of the construction was to move the home five feet.  The owners were determined to keep the feel of the old cottage in the nautical-themed kitchen.  Floors and counters were finished in blue and white to copy the original colors of the kitchen. Upstairs there is a sitting room, two bedrooms and a retreat – “A Man Cave”. Sponsor: Ronald F. Holehouse,  Holehouse Insurance Agency, Inc. Florist: Carter’s

TICKETS: $20/person

St Pete Beach:

  • Paradiso boutique, 104 8th Ave.,  Pass-a-Grille • 727.363.8831
  • Nancy Markoe Fine American Crafts Gallery, 3112 Pass-a-Grille • 727.360.0729
  • Don Vista Cultural Arts Center – Office, 3300 Pass-a-Grille • 727.367.3818
  • Swim & Play, 4677 Gulf Blvd (Dolphin Village) • 727.367.1713
  • TropicAl’s, 4803 Gulf Blvd (Dolphin Village) • 727.367.7014
  • Paradise Gifts & Decor, 370 Corey Ave. (74th Ave) • 727.363.8501
  • Simply Perfect, 339 Corey Ave. (74th Ave) • 727.360.4141

Madeira Beach & Seminole:

  • Sign of the Dolphin, 12999 Park Blvd., Seminole • 727.393.1400
  • The Bronze Lady,
    • 12957 Village Blvd., John’s Pass Village • 727.398.5994
    • 15015 Madeira Way, Downtown Madeira Beach • 727.363.4663

Downtown St Petersburg:

Smith & Associates Real Estate, 330 Beach Drive NE • 727.342.3800

Cerulean Blu Swim & Resort Wear Boutique, 400 Beach Drive, Suite 161 • 727.498.8984


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