PAIN RELIEF on the MOVE with Achieve Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine

You’ve tried prescription painkillers with no relief. You’ve agreed to the invasive surgery only for it to fail. You’ve even tried cutting edge therapies including infrared light and hydrotherapy.

And you’re still in pain.

“I had knee surgery over a year ago and I was still suffering from residual pain,” shares Preston B. “I complained to my surgeon and my family doctor, and they just kept writing me prescriptions for tramadol and hydrocodone. Sure, they took the pain away, but it was just a band-aid, a band-aid that made me sleepy and dizzy and irritable. I wanted to get back to boating with my wife, not spend the rest of my life asleep in the recliner.”

It wasn’t until Preston discovered acupuncture that he had found a real solution. Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat a myriad of conditions and according to the National Institute of Health (NIH) works particularly well in treating chronic pain.

“I was seeing an acupuncturist in New Jersey when my wife told me she wanted to move to St. Pete Beach. Spending the rest of our days enjoying our boat more than 3 months a year really excited me, but I was concerned about finding an experienced acupuncturist to keep up with my progress.”

In a wonderful twist of fate, Preston discovered that his acupuncturist in New Jersey knew Dr. Gibbons from a seminar they both attended on treating chronic pain.

Dr. Gibbons and her staff specialize in treating chronic pain and complicated conditions by seamlessly blending acupuncture with modern medical solutions like prolozone therapy and ATP Resonance BioTherapyTM.

“[My acupuncturist] referred me to Dr. Gibbons and I started treatment less than a week after we settled into our new home. My care went uninterrupted and that to me is just amazing. Just yesterday we had the boat out and I was able to jump off for a swim and then climb back on without pain. It’s just incredible.”

“I don’t think it’s a secret that acupuncture doesn’t work like a Tylenol. It takes repeated and consistent treatments to help our patients achieve the pain free life they’re looking for. In some cases, Dr. Gibbons recommends 3 to 5 months of comprehensive care and committing yourself to that can sometimes feel overwhelming or even impossible; a number of our patients only live in the Tampa Bay area part-time. Our referral network provides continuity of care while you continue to live your life!”

You no longer need to suffer!

Call 727-272-3587 and a Care Coordinator would be happy to schedule you a consultation to determine if you’re a candidate for their treatments. Or learn more at WWW.ACHIEVEACUIM.COM

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