For 25 years, Gulfport Police Department employees have sponsored a program called “Operation Santa” in which toys are donated to needy children that live in the City of Gulfport. Operation Santa has always been very successful in part due to the contributions we receive, we would again like to ask you for your help in the form of donations, i.e. monetary, new unwrapped toys, and gift cards. Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated. If you have any question call 727-893-1097 and leave a message and someone will return your call.
Gulfport Senior Center Food Drive Helping needy seniors in Gulfport
Stop by the Senior Center at 5501 27th Ave. S. or Gulfport City Hall at 2401 53rd St. S. from November 18 – December 18 to drop off in date Non-perishables or donate $10 (in a sealed envelope with your name to pay for a senior holiday meal. See larger flyer.
Holiday Hoopla Donation baskets throughout for Seniors
December 10, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Look for the special donation baskets created by Gulfport Teen Council.