OLLI at Eckerd College Announces On-Line Fall I 2020 Programs

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Eckerd College is excited to announce its online, non-credit classes and activities scheduled for Fall I 2020 (September-October). With the recent rise in Covid-19 cases in Florida and OLLI’s high risk population we cannot safely return to Eckerd College’s campus at this time. Learners must continue to social distance and participate in classes and social activities in the safety of their own homes.

Designed for people age 50-plus and open to all adult learners across Pinellas County and beyond. OLLI classes will continue online, with the goal to return to local sessions as soon as it is deemed safe to do so. The Fall I 2020 Catalog presents 42 courses online using the Zoom platform.  A sample of the diverse Fall I 2020 classes offered include, “Swing State: Florida and the Presidential Elections”, “Joy of Pastels II”, “British Musicals: Crossing the Pond”, “Chair Yoga”, “Introduction to Florida Friendly Landscaping”, “Supreme Court Updates”, “Big Pharma and the Drug Approval Process”, “Top Ten Estate Planning Blunders” and “Silk Road to Shanghai: The Ancient and Modern Jews of China”.

OLLI also offers online socials and other opportunities to engage with members. Experience the many e-classes OLLI has to offer this fall with an All-Access Class PassOne Price. One Registration. Unlimited Learning. The price to participate for Fall I is $130 for members and $175 for non-members. The pass must be purchased by Tuesday, September 15 and no refunds or exchanges are available. OLLI members and non-members may also register for individual session classes. Registration opens for summer classes on Monday, August 24 at 9:00 a.m. Advance registration is required for all classes and free events. Visit the OLLI website at eckerd.edu/OLLI for detailed information about the Fall I schedule and the many free activities being offered.

The Mission of OLLI at Eckerd College is to provide affordable, high-quality, noncredit educational programs and experiences, enabling participants to enjoy learning and share cultural and social activities in an interactive and welcoming environment.

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