Astrology Forecast October 2021

Astrology Forecast by Sarah Lyons

A New Moon in relationship sign Libra on the 6th begins the lunar cycle this month with new energy highlighting partnerships and social activities.  There is also a strong theme of transformation in personal and business relationships that need a new start.  Clear out old patterns and you can have success going forward.  Love planet Venus visits the adventurous sign of Sagittarius on the 7th when we become outgoing, pleasure-seeking, and freedom-loving!  Spending can get out of hand, too, if we aren’t careful.

Mercury moves direct on the 18th in Libra giving us clearer communication and the go-ahead for fall, winter, and holiday projects and planning.  Saturn, planet of responsibility, position and corporations, moves direct on the 10th.  Jupiter goes direct on the 18th when freedom, travel, and wealth are accented.  These two planets affect big decisions on a global level and we can be sure to see a lot of things move forward in these areas now.  

The Full Hunters Moon on the 20th is in dynamic Aries and will bring the modifications that began two weeks ago to a peak!  Letting go is a strong theme that will prepare us next for the rebuilding phase.  The Sun brings vitality and strength to Scorpio the sign of metamorphosis on the 23rd that will assist in our undertakings.  Then on the 30th action and energyplanet Mars enters Scorpio, lending its much-needed courage and assertiveness.  

LIBRA:  Your new year begins now Libra!  Action, activity, and learning assist with changes you want to make.  The full moon highlights partners in personal and biz situations questioning their direction going forward.     

SCORPIO:  New plans are made in private and conversations are also kept in confidence.  Your income area is supported.  The spotlight will fall on health concerns and work or duties as information comes to light now.    

SAGITTARIUS:  Your social calendar fills quickly and time with friends both old and new is highlighted as you are favored and popular this month.  The Full Moon spotlight falls on love, romance, creativity, and time with children.    

CAPRICORN:  New beginnings in status or career are likely and profitable.  You enjoy private time with or without someone special.  Later, the Full Moon focus falls on home life and family matters as revelations take place.   

AQUARIUS:  New plans include travel to either an old favorite place or fresh destination. You will likely include friends or go with a group. Learning and conversations both will be revealing and motivating for change now.     

PISCES:  Resources and financial support from others get a new start; as options are reconsidered.  You are favored by superiors this month.  The Full Moon focuses on personal values that assist in transformative change.  

ARIES:  New beginnings in personal and business relationships come from reconnecting. Travel can be enjoyed with or without company.  You are in the Full Moon spotlight and in charge of bringing balance with partnerships.    

TAURUS:  You may start a new job or return to work ready for a new start.  Income and resources are enhanced. Revise health and wellness routine; both physical and mental. Information revealed requires action; resolution.         

GEMINI:  Reconnecting to a lost love may bring a new beginning. Others are agreeable now.  Enjoy recreation and hobbies. The spotlight will accent social life and friendships with action-oriented transformative influences.      

CANCER:  Homelife is the hub of activity with new beginnings and many projects.  Health improves and work becomes more pleasant.  Career or position is highlighted when Full Moon energy peaks, bringing closures. 

LEO:  Daily life is action-packed with communication and short trips. Love life, recreation, and hobbies are enjoyable.  Modify health plans and purge old habits.  The spotlight falls on your beliefs, education, and travel.          

VIRGO:  New energy fills income and financial areas and you revise your current plan.  Family members are pleasant and time at home enjoyed. The Full Moon’s energy has you letting go of old patterns in all areas of life.

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