October Astrology Forecast by Sarah Lyons

Sirius Systems Astrological Services
Office: 727-347-4737

“Get Sirius about your future!”

October is an active month in the cosmos with two eclipses and two of the personal planet retrograde cycles changing. Autumn is underway and Mercury will move forward in Virgo on the 2nd and back to Libra on the 10th.  This will get communication and transportation matters cleared up and allow us to initiate holiday plans, etc.  The Full Hunter’s Moon in action sign Aries on the 9th will reveal where we need to focus this energy.  It also aspects planets that promote hard work, organization, and transformation.    

The Sun moves on to resourceful Scorpio on the 23rd and is traveling with love and money planet Venus, which joins him later that day.  Venus has passionate desires in Scorpio and is not wasteful in finances.  This energy combined can be great for finding out where relationships are going and good financial planning.  Nothing is done halfway now; it is all or nothing.     

A New Moon in Scorpio on the 25th is a Solar Eclipse and begins the next lunar cycle.  This powerful influence combined with other planetary aspects promotes new unexpected directions that break old patterns.  This creative force can assist in the necessary changes that open new paths.  Jupiter revisits Pisces one last time on the 28th where it will finish assisting with the opportunities and growth that it began in this sign earlier this year.  It will continue for the next two months bringing its gifts of prosperity and optimism to this sign.  Then back to Aries bringing fortune and growth.   

Mercury visits investigative Scorpio on the 29th.  We want to get to the bottom of things and are skeptical and shrewd.  We become set in our opinions and make all-or-nothing decisions now.  Communication can be intense and travel can unravel mysteries or have lasting effects on us.  Action planet Mars stations REtrograde in Gemini on the 30th and will not move forward until January.  Travel, communication, machinery, and temperament will all be affected.  With a difficult aspect to Neptune, all of October may bring uncertainty or confusion in these areas.  Meditation, yoga, and relaxing pastimes are favored.  Clarity is better in November.            

LIBRA:  Your personal new year begins now.  You are popular, active, and on the go. The full moon highlights relationships; business and personal. The Eclipse opens new paths in finances; income is enhanced or modified.          

SCORPIO:  Private life is accented and enjoyed all month.  The spotlight falls on health issues and the workplace.  Resources are used as needed.  The Eclipse brings new long-term possibilities for you; with growing pains. 

SAGITTARIUS:  Social activities and friendships are enjoyed all month.  The spotlight falls on romance; recreation. Partners either work with you or want to move on.  Private time and wellness are stimulated by the Eclipse.    

CAPRICORN:  You are favored and shine in your career area.  Home and family are in the spotlight. Work and wellness are where the action is.  New opportunities come through friends and social connections at month’s end.     

AQUARIUS:  Travel and education are enjoyed. Conversations and short trips are in the spotlight. Fun, romance and children get your energy.  New paths open in your career or status that create changes in your home life.    

PISCES:  Resources and support from others are enhanced.  The spotlight falls on earnings and finances.  Home and family issues get your energy.  The Eclipse stimulates your desire for travel, education, and exploring.         

ARIES:  Relationships are enjoyable this month; personal and professional.  You are in the full moon spotlight, express yourself and take charge.  Later a new cycle begins in your finances; evaluate and make creative changes.     

TAURUS: The workplace is pleasant; health may improve. The spotlight reveals hidden issues that need addressing.  Monitor spending.  Eclipse brings new energy to partnerships and accents relationships with others. 

GEMINI:  Mars energizes your sign for several months.  Recreation and romance are enjoyable.  Your social calendar takes center stage.  The eclipse highlights wellness, habits, and the workplace with fresh starts.        

CANCER:  Home life and family time are pleasurable all month.  Career and position are in the spotlight; bring balance.  Your private world stays active.  The eclipse opens new paths with love, creativity, and children.     

LEO:  You enjoy many short trips, conversations, and being in the moment.  Travel is on your mind whether near or far. Social activities bring expenses.  Later, Eclipse accents home life and family matters that need addressing.  

VIRGO:  This month’s attention is on values, earnings, and finances.  The full moon illuminates resources from others.  Directions for your career may not be clear.  Eclipse highlights communication, siblings, and neighbors.   

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