October 2020 Astrology Forecast

The Full Harvest Moon in Aries on the 1st is a powerful start to our first month of Autumn!  For the last two weeks, we have been figuring out what we are ready to change, and now is the time!  Start letting go and clearing out as this lunar cycle closes.  Love and money planet Venus enter discriminating Virgo on the 2nd assisting the decision-making process with logic and practicality.  Pluto, the planet of transformation, finally moves direct on the 4th and will help us along, too.  Even the Mercury Retrograde cycle beginning on the 13th is in the sign of Scorpio, repeating this metamorphic energy pattern of reviewing, releasing, and renewal.

On the 16th the New Moon in Libra, the sign of partnerships begins the next lunar cycle.  We are ready to work with others in a new way now and we evaluate how best to goals and advancement.  When the Sun enters resourceful Scorpio on the 22nd, our financial concerns are included in the plan and how to gain the needed support.  And, with action planet Mars Retrograde all month in Aries the sign of self, we are urged to get back in touch with our personal needs and desires, too.

Mercury still Retrograde revisits Libra on the 27th, reconnecting us in relationships; remembering and reminiscing on days gone by.  This is a powerful month for reviewing many areas of our lives as the year begins to come to a close.  Still more energy activates the sign of working together and relating to others as Venus steps into Libra just minutes after Mercury, also on the 27th.  The planet of beauty and refinement gets us in the mood for love and romance while visiting in its own sign.  Spending can get out of hand so be careful as the retrograde warns us no major purchases or decisions are going to go smoothly now.  REvisit your salon or have a spa day at home and shop your own closet as you enjoy this special time.  The Full BLUE Moon in Taurus on Halloween brings our month to its end with a few surprises in store, as the unpredictable element is strong now! The lunar energy is at its peak for the second time this month and we take forward with us only what we most value to build upon moving forward.

LIBRA:  Your new year starts now!  Partnerships are in the spotlight and home or family matters need attention. Mid-month a new lunar cycle of self-awareness begins, with values, needs, and finances taking the spotlight.

SCORPIO:  Health issues may resurface and the workplace may bring frustrations.  Enjoy friends and social time. Quiet time for reflection reveals much.  Later, partnerships are the focus both personal and professional.

SAGITTARIUS:  Fun needs a budget and social demands seem to need more spending than planned.  Career and position are favored; enhanced.  Sudden changes in work come later.  Attend to health concerns as well.

CAPRICORN:  Home is where the spotlight is as you balance life and evaluate career and position.  Return to a favorite getaway for R&R.  Love, romance, and fun are in your stars as the month closes; be creative, too!

AQUARIUS:  Everyday life can be stressful, drive cautiously, and speak kindly.  Resources and finances may be enhanced.  Learning is highlighted. Home life and family matters may change suddenly needing adjustments.

PISCES:  Financial matters are on your mind as you see what needs to change and make new plans.  Partners are cooperative and pleasing. Siblings, conversations, and short trips become the focus in daily life.

ARIES:  The spotlight is on you, what you’re doing and where you’re going! Partnerships get new understanding and direction.  Health improves and the workplace is pleasant.  Finances get attention as the month closes.

TAURUS:  Inner world is alive with energy as you get back in touch with goals and dreams.  Education is highlighted as well as travel.  Work and health are your new focus. It’s all about you, later on, have fun, enjoy life!

GEMINI:  Socializing may be draining resources.  Review needs; find new creative ideas.  Home life and family are enjoyable.  Later you focus on private life and inner growth. Take time to get back in touch with yourself.

CANCER:  Highlight is on career and position as you rearrange direction.  Reconnect to home life and family time.  Enjoy conversations and close the month with social activities and time with friends. Review future plans.  

LEO:  You are ready for a getaway but responsibilities may hold you back.  Finish home projects, boost health, and revise plans.  Income is enhanced.  Everyday life is busy and later on, the spotlight falls on career and position.

VIRGO:  Finances are center stage as you explore resources and make modifications. New values promote growth in all areas including beliefs.  Contact others and get reacquainted; enjoy your popularity this month!

Astrology Forecast by Sarah Lyons, Sirius Systems Astrological Services
Office: 727-347-4737

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