October 2019 Astrology Forecast

Autumn has finally begun and as the leaves change colors we turn our focus in new directions.  October begins with three planets in the relationship sign of Libra!  

It’s time to work together, cooperate and enjoy our partners.  Action planet Mars moves into Libra on the 4th, keeping fairness, charm and cooperation going as he travels along with the Sun. But, two planets will soon be moving on to Scorpio the sign of resources and transformation. 

Mercury enters Scorpio on the 3rd and we feel a need to look into our finances and make adjustments.  Minds are probing and investigative. We take nothing at face value. On the 8th, love planet Venus also moves into Scorpio for the rest of the month.  Emotions run deep; desires are strong now.  

Nothing is done halfway; it’s all or nothing. 

A Full Hunter’s Moon in Aries on the 13th brings the lunar cycle to a peak! 

This moon is action-packed with aspects Pluto the great transformer!  It will challenge us to look deep within to release old patterns that come to the surface now! The Sun enters the sign of transformation, Scorpio on the 23rd and while the seasons change is visible all around us; within us change will also take place!  

Three planets energize this sign now and then on the 27th a New Moon in Scorpio will begin the next lunar cycle boosting the  metamorphosis taking place in each of our lives!  Aspecting Uranus, this is a great time to release and old patterns, and create our new forward path!  Communication and thinking planet Mercury stations REtrograde in Scorpio on the 31st.  It’s time to RE just about anything, including the continuation of REleasing and RE framing our current situation.  Put off major decisions for at least three weeks but finish ongoing projects.             

LIBRA: Your own personal new year starts now! You are motivated and have endless energy! Relationships are in the spotlight with breakthroughs taking place! New financial plans later. Work hard but rest well; meditate.         

SCORPIO: Your charm and quick wit are appealing to others! Work and health matters are in the spotlight; learn new ways. You are ready to present a new side of yourself. Excess spending soon slows down.        

SAGITTARIUS: Social activities are enjoyable and non-stop! Your focus falls on romance and recreation! Balance spending with fun expenses. A new path in wellness begins within. Meditation brings you breakthroughs!

CAPRICORN: You begin to feel like things are finally moving along! Your career is accented now! Home and family life gets your attention; make necessary adjustments. New energy fills social life and time with friends! 

AQUARIUS: Travel is enjoyable; take someone with you! Short trips and revealing conversations are highlighted. New paths may be presented for career or position as you are favored now! Unexpected changes at home. 

PISCES: Resources are enhanced and energy goes into financial matters; values are highlighted and influential.    Endings clear the way for new paths. An open mind brings new knowledge and questions to beliefs; philosophy. 

ARIES: Relationships are energized with you in the full moon spotlight! Express yourself; face challenges. Career moves forward with hard work. A new look into resources, finances later. Private matters are attended to. 

TAURUS: Energy goes into your work. Take action in health matters. The full moon shines into deep thoughts; private affairs affected by beliefs. A new start in relationships can be exciting! Accept the changes; enjoy new!

GEMINI: Recreation, creativity, and romance fill your time! Social invites fill your calendar; choose wisely. Let go where you need to. Watch spending. A new cycle begins with work. Breakthroughs in health matters  are likely. 

CANCER: Home is where the action is! Enjoy family time; redecorate! Your career is highlighted with modifications necessary. New energy goes into hobbies, romance and even travel! Friends bring plenty of excitement!

LEO: Short trips and an active daily life keep you on the go! Mid-month the spotlight falls on travel and education. Home and family life have new beginnings!     Conversations are stimulating! Health matters are improving.

VIRGO: Finances are on your mind as you balance expenses and review resources; realize not to take chances. Learning and communicating are accented. Short trips are likely with your daily life constantly on the go!

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