Addressing Education in Parenting Plans

By Jake Hornstein & Greg Hill, Our Children Have Rights (OCHR)

Child custody outcomes are determined when a parenting plan is approved by or established by the courts. The parenting plan governs the relationship and decision-making roles between co-parents and their child(ren). It addresses issues such as the child’s education, health care decisions, a time-sharing schedule, and more.

Florida courts are presumed to generally favor joint custody, where possible. If parents agree on an approved parenting plan, they have the option to agree on sharing decision-making. The expectation is that parents will communicate and confer on issues, like education. This can be challenging when parents have opposing views on the best educational path for the child(ren). Understanding what education-related issues co-parents commonly disagree on is extremely important when drafting a parenting plan. It could be the difference between addressing or not addressing an educational issue in the plan. And if the outcome is agreed through mediation or by going to court. In court, further disagreement may result in less control over the outcome for both parents, and the judge will decide!


  • Where will the child(ren) go to school? What type of school? Private school? Who pays?
  • What sports will they play at school? Lacrosse? That’s expensive equipment! Who pays?
  • What if the child is struggling with grades and may need tutoring? Who decides?
  • The teacher cites behavioral issues. How does that get handled?

Knowing the education issues to consider can help parents anticipate disagreements and be better prepared to draft a parenting plan they agree on. The more prepared both parents are regarding each other’s concerns, the more likely they can work collaboratively and agree on a plan.

Parenting plans address education because education is one of the important aspects of a child’s life. If not resolved through mediation and disagreement continues in court, the decision goes to the judge!

OCHR is a 501c3 nonprofit that serves children by helping parents more seamlessly navigate their child custody and co-parenting journeys, at no cost to the family. We kindly ask you to consider a small donation. Your support is needed for us to serve more children by helping more parents achieve successful co-parenting strategies. Successful co-parenting is critical to a child’s development, and success in school and life. Successful co-parenting better positions children to reach their full potential and become positive contributors to our community. They are our future workforce!

Most importantly, if you, or someone you know, need our assistance, we’re here for you. We’re on a mission… A mission to protect the rights of children to have access to both responsible parents by providing education, resources, and support services for successful co-parenting. Why? Because Our Children Have Rights.

Contact Jake at or learn more online at www.OCHR.Org.To donate:

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