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Communication and transportation planet Mercury makes a challenging aspect to transformational Pluto as November begins. It’s bringing about needed changes in these areas that are under extreme stress on a global level. The REtrograde cycle that stimulated this energy ended a couple of weeks ago, but the shadow phase continued the situation until now as it creates a climax. Although this aspect is ending, the issues REvealed are not over yet and we will continue to see ongoing developments.
The New Moon in Scorpio on the 4th begins the lunar cycle this month. Scorpio is a private, resourceful, and passionate sign that doesn’t do anything halfway. This cycle activates Uranus the planet of the unexpected and unpredictable. Suddenly you may want to break old habits, become independent, and leave behind anything holding you back. Clever Mercury visits Scorpio on the 5th adding its detective intellect to this combo. You can uncover information now and research the new plans you’re making. Love planet Venus moves into serious Capricorn also on the 5th. We do good in business now but take personal relationships slowly.
The Full Beaver Moon in Taurus on the 19th is a Lunar Eclipse! This peak of our lunar cycle brings out material and practical concerns. It’s time to look at our values and work on bringing more security into our lives. The Sun visits optimistic, generous Sagittarius on the 21st getting us in the mood for Thanksgiving, and is joined by restless Mercury on the 24th. Sagittarius is the sign of travel and many will feel the need to be on the move now whether planned in advance or just last-minute it works!
SCORPIO: Your new year begins now with much activity and high energy to attain your desires. Sudden changes in partnerships occur. Enjoy conversations; short trips. Relationships are in the Full Moon spotlight.
SAGITTARIUS: New insights into private affairs change routines; bring introspection, insight. Clear paths result in mental and physical health. Income is enhanced. Full Moon shines onto work, duties, and wellness.
CAPRICORN: Friends and social activities bring many new possibilities your way. Venus gives you popularity this month. Romance can be fun but unpredictable. The Full Moon highlights romance, recreation, and children.
AQUARIUS: New possibilities for career or position open for you to rise. Someone may privately give assistance. Enjoy a mental health day alone. The Full Moon’s focus falls on home life and family relationships; enjoy.
PISCES: Many opportunities for travel and education are open to you now. Enjoy friendships and invite them along. Conversations may bring surprises The Full Moon shines onto everyday life and in your daily environment.
ARIES: New direction with resources and financial matters can come suddenly. Be creative and consult professionals. Superiors favor you now. Career or position is enhanced. Spotlight focuses on security and values.
TAURUS: Relationships both personal and professional take new paths; only the strong survive. Travel and education are both favored this month. The Full Moon spotlight is on you. Focus on your own needs and desires.
GEMINI: New developments in the workplace keep you on your toes. A new approach to health will bring fast results. Resources are enhanced. Full Moon highlights your private world; introspection and your intuition.
CANCER: Romance takes new exciting chances or may suddenly end. Creative energy is high. Children can be unpredictable. Marriage or biz associates are cooperative. Social events are in the spotlight later on.
LEO: New energy fills home life and family relationships. Career brings sudden developments; requires flexibility. The workplace is enjoyable and health improves. The spotlight falls on your position and status in general.
VIRGO: Daily life gets new energy and lots of activity. Sudden travel plans bring excitement and conversations, surprises. Romance is enjoyed; have fun. The Full Moon focuses on your philosophical beliefs and education.
LIBRA: New activity and many opportunities arise in income and financial areas; sudden changes in resources occur as a result. Home life and family relationships are pleasant. Full Moon brings about releasing and letting go.