New Name for Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary

baby-birdLetter from the NEW Seaside Seabird Sanctuary:

We are delighted to announce a new path forward for our sanctuary! As of September 1, 2016, we are a completely new organization, now known as Seaside Seabird Sanctuary, formerly Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary. With experienced management, a new board, and leadership from the Busch von Gontard family, who possess a long history of wildlife conservation, we look forward to earning your continued support as we put avian wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and environmental education at the forefront of our mission.

The Sanctuary’s daily operations will be managed by Eddie Gayton, Operations Manager, who has been involved in wildlife rehabilitation for the past six years. He will be supported by Brian Tharp, Business Manager, a retired United States Air Force officer, and by a team of passionate and loyal staff and volunteers. My family and I are excited to work with Eddie and Brian and the rest of the team to make Seaside Seabird Sanctuary a world-class avian rehabilitation center.

Please come by, if you haven’t already, and see our newly refurbished bird enclosures and rehabilitation facility. We know that we are stronger together, and that the birds deserve a brighter future.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 727-392-4291. For donations and address information, we are Seaside Seabird Sanctuary, still residing at 18328 Gulf Blvd, Indian Shores, FL 33785.

By conserving our precious seabirds and the resources they and all of us depend on, we are fostering a healthier environment while instilling a legacy for future generations. We look forward to seeing you and your families soon!

With warmest regards,

Andrew von Gontard
President and Executive Director, Seaside Seabird Sanctuary

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