NEW ART SHOW: Focusing on 3D Art

Photographer Jim Swallow and Soft Water Studios in St. Petersburg’s Warehouse Arts District are proud to announce  2020 Vision – Focusing on 3D Art ; October 10, 2020 from 5:05pm to 8:08 pm at 515 22nd St S. St. Petersburg. 

This show is free and open to the public providing a safe socially distanced opportunity to see in person a very unique viewing experience. The 3D photography of Jim Swallow: through the lens and magic of stereoscopic photography allowing you to meet each artist in their studio. The show then features the art of all 20 nationally and internationally known artists from St Petersburg in the gallery on exhibition with the 3D show.   

Featured artists in the show include: Jim Swallow, Cheryl Anne Day SwallowD YaeL KelleyRebecca Skelton, Demeree Barth, Carrie JadusDee PercontiKayla HarbeitnerCharlie ParkerJosh PollMark AelingDuncan McClellanKyu YamamotoTeresa Sullivan, Benjamin Mallett, David Bradford, Brian Ransom, Kevin Brady and Rachel Stewart.

Enjoy this unusual creative experience! To create stereographs Jim uses two cameras synced together. The cameras are placed the same distance apart as the human eye so as to create a 3D image. After the images are printed they are viewed with antique stereographs, many of which were made in the 19th century. By bringing the stereoscope to your eyes you are blocking out all other elements in the room and having a virtual view into the reality of the artist’s studio. Come and be a part of the amazing art scene that is uniquely St. Petersburg.  This show was made possible in part with an Individual Artist grant from the St. Petersburg Arts Alliance.   

Montage photo; Clockwise from top – Cheryl Anne Day-Swallow, Kyu Yamamoto, Kayla Harbeitner, Mark Aeling

The show will be up until October 31st.

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