New Additions are Being Added to the Armed Forces History Museum

The Armed Forces History Museum will spend most of its time in 2015 installing new cases, exhibits and dioramas to our already extensive collection.  Broken down into two phases, these additions will feature even more compelling stories in military history.


Currently, the AFHM is working on the following, which are slated to be ready for viewing in early May:

USO Exhibit– see tour jackets, autographs and exciting memorabilia of entertainers and athletes who entertained troops oversea

Chuck Yeager’s Bell X1 Jet Exhibit- already on display, a replica of Chuck Yeager’s jet that broke the sound barrier hangs from the ceiling along with a video history and information on how the AFHM was featuring on The History Channel 2 due to this display

Official Veteran Portraits- the AFHM will be receiving 16 portraits of distinguished veterans, which will proudly be on display in the museum’s Officers’ Club Quonset Hut. 

Merchant Marines Case- the AFHM received uniforms, memorabilia and artifacts from the American Victory Ship Mariners Museum in Tampa, which will be on display.

Korean-era WAC Case- featuring an authentic Women’s Auxiliary Corps Korean-era uniform along with memorabilia

Holocaust Exhibit- in addition to the already impressive German Third Reich collection, the AFHM has recently acquired an actual POW uniform worn by a prisoner as well as additional artifacts showcasing some of the darkest days in history;

African-American Evolution Through Military History Case- along with some very eager and bright students from Tampa’s Legacy Preparatory School, we are researching the roles African-Americans played throughout military history. This will take us from the beginning all the way through the successes of Colin Powell and President Barack Obama.

Once the above is complete, the museum will be embarking on two new large dioramas, which are slated to be ready for viewing by the end of 2015:

Desert Storm Diorama – a 3D diorama on the history of the conflict
Iran/Irag/Afghanistan – a 3D diorama on the history and impact of these conflicts along with elements of 9/11

They will keep you posted on our progress and hope you will continue to return to the AFHM to take in these new addition.

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