NEW 2+ Acre Kids Discovery Garden Coming to the Florida Botanical Gardens

The Florida Botanical Gardens Foundation is excited to share the plans to build a new children’s garden at the Florida Botanical Gardens. The 2+ acres site, located along McKay Creek, will feature a 600 sq. ft Outdoor Classroom, play equipment, exploratory trails, a “Roots and shoots” potting area and Floridafriendly gardens and exhibits. Their goal is to collaborate with the existing resources from UF/IFAS and create a space where nature exploration and education meet.

To view the plans, visit: childrensgarden.

Now that the Capital Campaign is in the public phase, the Florida Botanical Gardens Foundation needs your help to make this garden a reality. Please donate, help us build an oasis where our children can discover, learn and play. view our online Sponsor Form or visit: cdgdonate to get started.

Annual Tour of Public and Private Gardens October 18, 2020 – 10am-4pm Pumpkin Fest October 25, 2020 – 12-4 pm Holiday Lights in the Gardens November 27-January 2, 2020 – 5:30-9:30pm

Information courtesy of the Florida Botanical Gardens.

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