Local Misty Wells, Discovery Channel Star

By Steve Traiman

Misty Wells is a proud Florida native, born and raised in Clearwater.  Misty’s never-ending search for outdoor adventure in both the water and woods has opened the opportunity of a lifetime for her.  In 2018, Misty became the first female host of an outdoor show on Fox Sports and began filming her hit Outdoor Adventure show Let’s Take it Outside.  Misty said, “I was thrilled to be able to follow my passion for the outdoors, and I love that millions of viewers are fans of the show.”

Heading into 2024, Misty is filming Season 5 and is airing on the Discovery Channel in over 220 countries and on seven other networks. Learn more at www.mistywells.com or stream her show for free on demand on Waypoint TV.

“I am blessed, Let’s Take it Outside has taken me so many places around the world for adventures, places I may not have ever seen,” said Misty.  “I just returned from two Bucket List trips, one in Costa Rica where I was looking to land my first Rooster fish and the other Niagara Falls in search of landing my first brown trout and steelhead.”  When it comes to fishing, Misty is “all in” honing her skills in everything from Fresh Water to Salt Water, “if it swims, she wants to catch it.” Hunting is a passion for Misty, she enjoys bow hunting for white tail, hogs, and turkey, but don’t sell her short when it comes to grabbing her 12-gauge and taking down some ducks, white wing, and doves.  

Misty is sometimes able share her adventures with her two amazing kids: son Brennan Wells who served in the United States Coast Guard, and daughter Hudson, currently serving in the United States Navy. “My children will always be my greatest adventure and achievement,” she says.

Misty’s commitment to children does not stop with her own children. In 2014 Misty started “A Reel Future,” a non-profit created to take children in foster care fishing, teaching them about the outdoors and conservation.  Misty has personally taken 3,800+ foster children fishing all over the United States since 2014 and she not stopping anytime soon. “If we are not there to teach these parentless children the love and passion for the outdoors, then who will?”  www.areelfuture.com

[Steve Traiman is president of Creative Copy by Steve Traiman and can be reached by phone at 727-798-4746 or via email at traimancreativecopy@gmail.com]

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