Historic Merry Pier in St. Pete Beach Celebrates a Grand Reopening

The City of St. Pete Beach is excited to announce the reopening of historic Merry Pier after extensive renovations. The public is invited to celebrate the end of construction, Merry Pier history, and new beginnings for a beautiful area with a ribbon cutting on Thursday, February 10th at 11 AM.  

The Merry Pier has undergone extensive renovations including a new main pier, new decking, new pilings, structural pile jackets (for the pilings under the building) as well as new electrical, plumbing, and lighting. The pier is almost a completely new structure except for three finger piers that were new prior to the start of the project. This construction was part of a larger pier renovation project that included maintenance on the 7th Avenue Pier and the replacement of the 11th Avenue Pier. 

Merry Pier is a favorite destination for fishing and boating. The pier, located at 801 Pass-a-Grille Way, offers a store, boat excursions, a fish market (with right-off-the-boat seafood), fishing, as well as rod/tackle and bicycle rentals.  

The pier, which was named after long-time resident Captain Kenneth B. Merry, who moved to the area in 1900.  In 1902, the Merry family opened the first store on the Gulf Beaches at the end of the dock at 8th Avenue and, today, the Merry’s legacy lives on.  

St. Pete Beach Chief Operating Officer Jennifer McMahon said, “Merry Pier has an illustrious history in this area. Many people have wonderful memories of fishing and boating here. We’re delighted to bring it back into fully-operational service so that future generations can enjoy it as well.” 

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