Message from the Publishers

Spring and fall are two of my favorite seasons here in paradise. Cool mornings give way to sunny beach afternoons and awesome sunsets. Outdoor events and concerts are in full swing. It is truly a great time to be living in paradise.

If the cover says Paradise NEWS, should we really be taking multiple full pages in April’s issue to highlight the “Tampa Bay Resiliency Summit” and in May’s issue to cover “Hurricane Preparedness?” 

Summer storms are a fact of life in the tropics. We have been incredibly lucky in the past, and there are a lot of newcomers amongst our readership that have not even had to evacuate yet. So, it is good to remind residents that the “season” is starting. Sea level rise is happening too, more quickly affecting the Miami area than here, so we get to learn from their successes. 

A new subscriber recently asked if their issue could come sooner, because when it lands in the mailbox, half the month is over. We said yes, you can see it online, most months from the first of the month at, but I also said that if you keep and continue to refer to each issue until the new one arrives in the mail, you will miss little. You see, the magazine is designed so that if you find it online on the first, you will see what is going on this week, but if you get it in the mail, what you miss was in last month’s edition, so you should not have missed it at all, unless you threw last month’s away before this month’s arrived. If you need a preview, by all means, look online, and/or sign up for the FREE “weekly” digital newsletter we publish every Thursday with links to the issue online and the top things going on each weekend. We have been sending it to FREE online subscribers for years now.

The next print issue is our first bimonthly, the June-July edition, followed by August-September, and then back to monthly in October. In each bimonthly edition we supply 10 weeks of art and leisure and event information to get you through the entire summer without a hitch.

Thank you for being a loyal reader. If you find yourself reaching out to an advertiser or someone who was written about in the issue, please let them know you read about them in Paradise NEWS.

It’s sea turtle nesting season May 1-Oct. 31 on Southwest Florida beaches. On nesting beaches, light from waterfront properties can disorient nesting female turtles and their young, which emerge at night and use dim natural light to find the sea. Also, beach furniture, trash and other obstacles can impede sea turtles and their young. See the tips below for how you can help keeping nesting seaturtles & hatchlings safe. Click the link or qr code below for some helpful tips to keep our beaches

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