Our second month of spring is underway with plenty of exciting cosmic activity. Communication planet Mercury travels home to Gemini on the 3rd where the expression of logic and reasoning is at its highest. We are restless, changeable, and chatty throughout the rest of the month. Love planet Venus also visits Gemini on the 8th when we become friendly yet detached in matters of the heart. We thrive on change and variety now. Mars travels through home-loving Cancer this month bringing endless energy to family life and attending to projects or repairs. The homefront will certainly be a hub of activity, but watch out for moods and aggravation, too.
The New Moon in stable Taurus on the 11th begins the lunar cycle this month at a slow, steady pace. We can be creative, have strong willpower, and good concentration in our undertakings. On the 13th, growth planet Jupiter visits artistic, intuitive Pisces for several weeks. This can be a highly creative time, spent often in meditation or introspection. Compassion and understanding are strong as we assist those in need. Inner awareness can occur as we become more in touch with feelings below the surface now.
The Sun moves into Gemini on the 20th, joining Venus and Mercury! With three planets in this changeable sign, variety is truly the spice of life now! We want to socialize and enjoy many experiences. Short trips become a fix for our restlessness and reading or conversations are also pleasurable. The Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius on the 26th is a Lunar Eclipse! It has ties to the eclipses that happened at the end of last year and will bring up the same issues again. We are ready to break away from anything that is interfering with our freedom. We don’t want to be held back in any way and choose to move on whether we have all of the answers at this time or not.
With Mercury moving into Retrograde motion on the 29th just three days later another theme of looking into the past occurs. Many things can REsurface during the next three weeks that need to be REviewed and REsolved. With love planet Venus involved, it can certainly be REferring to love and relationships or financial matters that still need to be addressed. REmember; finish things in REtrograde and start new things afterward!
TAURUS: Your personal new year begins now! You have been breaking old patterns and are speaking your mind! Financial matters are on your mind as you review and make new plans. Resources are accented, too.
GEMINI: Your sign is favored and active all month! A new look behind the scenes in your life and you are ready to REset your direction. A spending spree will have consequences. The Full moon accents your relationships!
CANCER: Your energy is high and strong! A new beginning in your social life and future plans take place. Introspection and meditation will give you answers. Health, work, and duties take center stage; review and reset!
LEO: You are clearing out buried issues on many levels resulting in a new path. Career and position take off in a new direction. Romantic attachments are in the full moon spotlight! Enjoy reconnecting socially
and recreation!
VIRGO: Energy goes into future plans and goals. A new look at beliefs and reviewing your status or career takes place. Newfound freedom in relationships begins and the full moon focuses on home and family issues.
LIBRA: Career demands need balance with home life. A new direction with resources and finances opens. Health improves and work seems easier. The full moon highlights conversations, travel, and your siblings.
SCORPIO: You are ready for a travel adventure or to learn something new. Relationships have a new start with values being important. It’s time to review resources as the spotlight falls on financial matters; adjustments.
SAGITTARIUS: Finances get attention and spending checked. A new start in the workplace helps. Reconnecting in relationships is pleasant. The full moon fills your sign and lights the way to letting go of old ways!
CAPRICORN: Partners can be challenging. Resolve work patterns or health concerns. New attention goes to children, fun, and romance. You are ready to speak up. A much-needed break is your focus later on.
AQUARIUS: Attend to health and duties. A new start in home and family is enjoyed. Money comes in but may not stay long. Enjoy love, children, and fun time! The full moon focuses on social life, future plans, and friends!
PISCES: Energy pours into creative interests, love, and children. A new desire to talk and travel is enjoyed! Reconnect to family and spend time at home. Career and position are on center stage; speak up and be creative!
ARIES: You have been attending to financial matters and get a new start this month. Home and family take your energy; be patient but firm. The month will end with a spotlight on travel, learning, and communication.
Astrology Forecast by Sirius Systems Astrological Services
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