May begins with a new lunar cycle and the Mercury Retrograde shadow in progress. This will be a good time to figure out what we are ready to revisit, redo or review.  Love and money planet Venus visits dynamic Aries on the 2nd.  Caution issuggested in matters of the heart and finances this month as impulsive actions are likely.  Jupiter, the planet of fortune, success, and growth, visits Aries on the 10th until the end of October, then returns in December until May of 2023.  It is Aries’ turn to be blessed with abundance, expansion, opportunities, and newfound freedom.  But, some letting go is inevitable in order to move forward; any loss will be a blessing in disguise.       

Mercury stations REtrograde on the 10th so communication, transportation, and decision making will be slowing down.  It is time to REview, REnew, and REvisit ongoing issues and projects but not time for anything new to begin.  The next three weeks will give us time to clear up and clear out so that we can move forward next month with plans and projects. The Full Flower Moon in Scorpio on the 15th is a Lunar Eclipse.  It brings things up and out into the open to be purged, transformed, and reborn. This eclipse has karmic energy with opportunities for restructuring our lives, and on a global level, bringing out matters that need extreme exposure and change.  

The Sun has been in stable, conservative Taurus all month but enters the sign of the twins, Gemini, on the 20th.  Things comein twos now or with variety and we are restless, curious, and live in the moment.  But, Mercury will move into Taurus on the 22nd keeping our thoughts cautious and more business-minded.  We look for quality now in all things and a good bargain.  

Action planet Mars goes home to Aries on the 24th and gives us the courage and enthusiasm to accomplish almost anything for the next few weeks.  Love goddess Venus moves into faithful, stable Taurus on the 28th when sensuality and indulgence are enjoyed and celebrated.  Then a New Moon in Gemini begins the next lunar cycle on the 30th challenging our dreams and ideals but giving us the practical ability to make them happen.  

TAURUS:  Your new year starts now and many changes come with it. Review finances and find time for a private retreat.  Relationships are in the spotlight.  New talents are recognized that support careers and positions.     

GEMINI:  Social activities are enjoyed with many opportunities for growth.  You put energy into status, career.  The focus falls on work and health matters.  You reinvent yourself and start off on a new path as May closes.       

CANCER:  Career and position are enhanced; fortunate options are coming.  Creativity is accented; issues with children or love life surface now.  Retreat into your private world; reimagine the new you moving forward with ease.     

LEO:  Travel and education is enjoyable and brings new opportunities. The home and family concerns take stage mid-month.  Reconnect with friends and reinvent your position.  New social options may come with expenses.   

VIRGO:  Resources and finances are enhanced and improved.  Work with relationships for understanding.  The spotlight falls on short trips, siblings, and conversations.  New paths may open in your career; review and relearn.  

LIBRA:  Relationships are enjoyable and mutually beneficial.  Financial matters are in the spotlight; review options. Energy fills wellness and work areas. A new focus begins on education, philosophy, and travel later.     

SCORPIO:  Health and work are enhanced with new options. Energy goes into recreation. You are in the spotlight, reconnect to partners; find balance. As May ends a new focus on finances begins; speculation isn’t encouraged.           

SAGITTARIUS:  Homelife and family are where the action is.  Recreation is enjoyed. The spotlight falls on private affairs; the inner world.  Review wellness plans.  May ends with new beginnings and reconnecting in relationships.  

CAPRICORN:  Energy is scattered in many directions. Home and family bring growth and pleasure.  The spotlight falls on social time; future plans.  Resume enjoyed routines to regain health. Work has new options later on. 

AQUARIUS:  Short trips and conversations are enjoyed. Spiritual values influence assets.  Your career or position is in the spotlight balanced with home and family. Reconnecting with children has new beginnings as May ends.  

PISCES:  Income is enhanced with options for growth.  You are energized and active.  Education, travel, and beliefs are in the spotlight.  Reconnecting and resolving issues brings new developments with home and family later.    

ARIES:  You are popular and favored this month with luck and abundance coming your way.  Financial matters are in the spotlight.  Reconnect with others.  You’re energized end of the month with a new restlessness; curiosity.

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