May 2019 Astrology Forecast

Sensual May is underway as the Sun slowly glides along in the fertile sign of Taurus.  When the Moon joins the Sun on the 4th, the New Lunar cycle begins, with a fresh, creative feeling just right for spring!  Even fast moving Mercury slows down on the 6th; thoughts become a bit practical and we work at our own rate of speed. Love planet Venus isn’t far behind as she enters Taurus on the 15th, lending stability and loyalty to relationships and asking us to indulge our senses for a while.  The very same day action planet Mars moves on to the home loving, hypersensitive sign of Cancer directing our energy domestically; watch for moodiness and frustrations. These two love planets will be traveling in harmony all month; bringing star crossed lovers together as only Venus and Mars can!

The Full Flower Moon in passionate Scorpio occurs on the 18th; bringing the lunar cycle, and our emotions to a peak.  It reveals what has been underlying just beneath the surface in order for transformation to occur. Strong bonds and life structures endure but weak ones rarely continue with Scorpio’s extremely powerful influences.  The next two weeks will give us time to make any adjustments and follow through with both awareness and motivation. A few days later on the 21st the vibrant, expressive Sun visits playful, clever Gemini! This is a restless time as we crave variety and constant change!  Mercury, visits Gemini on the same day, joining the Sun and keeping us logical and versatile with our thoughts and communication!

TAURUS:  A busy May as your new year gets underway! Allow the change get creative! Mid month you gain favor, look into earnings and speak your mind!  Partner’s are in the spotlight; changes made will be pleasing to you!

GEMINI:  Dynamic action fills your days!  Social, personal time is balanced. Inner world reveals; breakthroughs occur.  Income gets focus mid month. Health plan is transformed with new understanding.  Workplace is active.

CANCER:  A new interest in unique social activities as the month begins.  You have favor with superiors; at work. Accent falls on fun, romance and creative time as you become energized mid month.  Popularity continues!

LEO:  Career and position bring many and sudden new options.  Energy goes from social time into private life and health matters.  Focus falls on home projects and family time mid month. You easily attract support now.   

VIRGO:  Travel is on your mind and can be spiritually enlightening and educational as well as fun!  Career is active until mid month, then social time gets attention. Conversations are deep; meaningful.  Open mind.

LIBRA:  A new financial plan comes and resources become enhanced. Partner is agreeable; pleasant. You are restless and welcome travel. Focus is on values; income and talents. Health is still delicate.Home brings duties.   

SCORPIO:  A new path in relationships begins with many unique options. Communication is good; partner is pleasing. Resources may be used now. You are in the spotlight; express yourself and let go to reinvent a new you!

SAGITTARIUS:  The workplace is active and unpredictable with a new influence.  Your mind is on fun and romance then goes to duties and work later. Health can have breakthroughs; get away for some recuperation; rest.

CAPRICORN:  Love and romance start new and fast and enjoyable all month; take a chance!  Work gets your energy until mid month; then fun! Spotlight on groups, friends and social life as many changes take place.    

AQUARIUS:  Homelife and family bring much activity; new paths and becomes quite pleasant.  Action starts out in recreation areas but turns to work mid month. Career or position are on center stage now; transforming.

PISCES:  Daily life is not stop busy and unpredictable.  Short trips and conversations are many. Attention at home gives way to fun mid month.  Travel and education and beliefs are highlighted; expand your horizons.

ARIES:  You are everyone’s favorite until mid month, so enjoy the attention!  New income ops and different plans for finances begin now: ideas come fast!  Later on let go where needed; expenses, ideas. Home projects work.

Sirius Systems Astrological Services
Office: 727-347-4737

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