May 2018 Astrological Forecast by Sarah Lyons

May begins with a strong creative vibration and a need to indulge our senses and escape from everyday life for a while! Enjoy social events but put off decisions regarding love and money. Even though Mercury is direct and passing it’s shadow phase we have three planets bringing challenges to the technical and mechanical areas. Malfunctions are possible and can be sudden. Conversations and temperaments are edgy. Then, mid month our minds become more grounded as Mercury enters stable Taurus on the 13th. A New Moon also in Taurus on the 15th, begins our next lunar cycle with a more conservative but still indulgent vibe. With a little help from action planet Mars, what we start now can go far and accomplish much!

But, the biggest news for this month, and for this year also happens on the 15th just a few hours after the monthly lunar cycle begins! Unpredictable and original planet Uranus enters Taurus for the first time in 84 years and begins it’s approximately seven year stay! This will bring the world new ways to be practical in finances, economic reforms and earth resources. Unique talents and inventions will breakthrough old worn out methods. It will be a time of great change that we will just begin to watch unfold now. People born in the first five days of Taurus will be most affected as well as those born in early Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius.
Energy planet Mars leaves industrious Capricorn on the 16th to visit inventive Aquarius. A tendency to be reckless or accident prone exists. Also now is a great time to break away from something. Venus leaves variety seeking Gemini on the 19th for a sentimental stroll through Cancer.
Chances taken have endurance. We love and buy with our heart; not our heads now. On the 20th the stable Taurus Sun gets restless in Gemini wanting change and variety! Later, on the 29th, Mercury adds to the excitement entering Gemini to join the Sun after pursuing practical ideas most of the month! The Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius also on the 29th lets us be footloose and free to explore creative and artistic interests.
TAURUS: Your new year begins now! You will have the energy to get​ going in most any direction! Enjoy conversations. Work hard mid month and travel with friends later on. Education includes creative expression.
GEMINI: Private time goes into planning. You know you have to let go to​ move forward; begin. You are popular and persuasive. Later, financial matters get attention. Spotlight falls on partnerships; uncertain status.
CANCER: Your mind is on the future; plans, possibilities. Get away for​ solitude; soul searching. Relationships are easier after mid month and you gain popularity. Focus falls on works uncertainties. Health needs surface.
LEO: Health, work and duties have been all consuming and improves mid​ month when a new position or status begins. Relationships get energized. Social scene is active later; fun, romance, time off with spending required!
VIRGO: Love and fun have had serious themes. Mid month you get back​ to work; expect sudden travel. You are favored by superiors. Later enjoy friends. Focus falls on family members and home life; include your partner.
LIBRA: Home and family responsibilities continue but get easier mid​ month. Sudden endings begin; bring life transformations. Finances get new approach. Later fun! Spotlight on conversations and short trips.
SCORPIO: Partners begin an unpredictable cycle including new freedoms.​ Talks are serious. Action on the home front begins. Finances have been enhanced; take your attention. A budget for fun, children may be needed.
SAGITTARIUS: Work and health matters enjoy breakthroughs and a new​ direction. Partners have been agreeable. Speak softly and drive defensively after mid month. You take the spotlight later with family needs and home.
CAPRICORN: Home focus gives way to new direction with love, romance​ and fun mid month! You are in charge; focused. Relationships are pleasant. Private time and inner world lights up; reflect and dream, share thoughts.
AQUARIUS: Changes in home and family begin; new direction by mid​ month. You are ready for action! Work and health improve late month. Future plans and friends are in the spotlight. Watch budge; spending.
PISCES: Home and family; pleasant. Everyday life busy and begins to​ move forward mid month. Enjoy recreation; children. Energy may be low. Position, career or status is in spotlight but with unknown factors in play.
ARIES: You stay busy and enjoy connecting with others. New cycle in​ finances begins mid month with innovative ideas. Energy pours into goals. Enjoy family and pleasant home time. Spotlight falls on travel; education.

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