By Susan Shiver
Sandi and Amber had been running area nightclubs for decades! Their challenging lifestyle eventually became overwhelming, so they looked for alternatives. They were always doing their best to live healthy lives “in tune” with what mother nature has given us. They began backyard beekeeping at their home in Tampa 14 years ago over concern with the massive loss of bees on the planet, rescuing and re-homing bees all over the West Coast of Florida. In 2019, Amber became a Yoga instructor and Sandi a certified Ayurvedic practitioner.
Their focus became to help people with modern life ailments regain and retain good health. Their goal is to help build equilibrium and harmony in your body and offer relief from your imbalances. After success blending teas for friends with specific needs and seeing the success, they started making and marketing basic teas that would cover a broad spectrum of ailments.
They joined the Corey Market in the summer of 2000 offering products that incorporate Apitherapy, (using bee products for disease prevention or treatment) and Ayurvedic Medicine, which offers a harmonizing and synergistic effect when combined with healthful diets, herbs, aromatherapy and a healthy lifestyle. They now participate in many markets offered by Tampa Bay Markets. Meet them Sundays from 9am-1pm throughout the summer on Corey Ave. and check out Roots & Ritual on social media for their weekly schedules.

Congratulations Please cone to Brooksville Fl