From the Publishers

Tempus Fugit! Time flies, when you are having fun, as they say.  

 When I was young, living in the ice and snow on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, winter seemed to stretch on forever. Whenever I lamented “I wish I was old enough to…”  my folks would say, “Be patient, enjoy your youth, time will go by fast enough.”  Looking back, I see how right they were. 

Last year, Renee and I celebrated 50 years of married life. Our relationship was based on a lie. We celebrated my 24th birthday together four months before I confessed, I was only 19.  She said, “It’s only a number” and Renee agreed to marry me anyway. Our son was born less than a year after we wed. We moved from Brandon to Pass-A-Grille 35 years ago so Jordan could be a day student at Admiral Farragut Academy. 

Our careers had already evolved from public accounting and dance education to publishing a few years prior. Our first publishing efforts in the 1980s, Office Guide to Tampa Bay, helped put our area on the map for corporate relocation decision makers throughout the nation.  In Pass-A-Grille we were recruited as volunteers to start a newsletter for the Pass-A-Grille community by its president, and historic preservationist, Jay Anderson. Eight years of publishing Grille Bits, mostly a volunteer effort, became the foundation for the start of Paradise NEWS in 1995. With more than half our married life invested in sharing Paradise NEWS with 100,000 friends and neighbors, some of whom we have yet to meet, we feel thankful for the directions the universe has provided for us. Somehow people come into our lives whenever they are needed. 

Our longtime astrologer, Sarah Lyons, predicted some changes were coming in key personnel. She was right. This time last year we lost Zelda Troiano, who had been our Arts and Leisure/Events editor for four years. She had contributed to her final issue of Paradise NEWS just weeks before she passed away. Our incredible proofreader, Buddy Baker, had been furloughed at the newspaper (thanks to the pandemic) and was recruited to add what Zelda did to his contributions. He has done a stellar job as events curator 

and “grubby grammarian and corrections officer” this past year. 

Next  month, Nanette Wiser, our longtime friend, contributing writer, senior writer and eventually executive editor is taking a sabbatical. We thank Nanette for her valuable contributions to Paradise NEWS over the years and wish her much success and happiness. Meanwhile, Steve Traiman, our senior feature writer, has composed an enticing article about Jenna Payne’s Water Warrior’s Alliance. Our Art News editor and Hanging Around author, Caron Schwartz, starts her new column SPIRITED ADVENTURES.

This month we take a peak at what’s ahead for St. Pete Beach, thanks to support from Biltmore Construction, one of our area’s top quality builders.

We thank Coast Brothers for sponsoring a recipe column for the past year and hope to see them return in the future. In the meantime, we are hoping to bring you a new slant on our recipe column soon. Thanks for being such loyal readers!

Peter & Renee Roos & All the Talented PN People

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