March Astrology Forecast by Sarah Lyons

Sirius Systems Astrological Services
Office: 727-347-4737
“Get Sirius about your future!”

On March 2nd the New Moon begins the lunar cycle in introspective, intuitive Pisces.  With aspects to several planets this new energy is urging us to look within for direction on goals and plans.  We have the opportunities to move forward this month and accomplish much.  Venus (values) and Mars (action) are traveling together and will cross over Pluto (beginnings and endings) on the 3rd.  We will have several days of intense developments as old energy is released that has been stagnant for several months so new cycles can begin. 

Both Venus and Mars visit progressive, inventive Aquarius on the 6th. Mercury and Saturn are in Aquarius as well, so ideas and directions planned now have discipline and structure while also being unique. We are well past Mercury’s shadow phase with clear sailing for a couple of months in decision making and communications.  On the 9th Mercury moves on to Pisces; its energy becomes intuitive, reflective, and romantic.  Watch out for idealism and impracticality.  The shadow phase of Venus has also ended so the clarity with relationships, finances, and values is enjoyed again and celebrated going forward.        

The Full Crow Moon in Virgo on the 18th is the last winter lunation and brings an end to the season.  Aspects reveal areas that need practical attention and application with an influence for easy transformation. Changes in health, habits, and work or duties are likely.  Spring begins on the Vernal Equinox as the Sun enters dynamic Aries on the 20th.  The energy is high when seasons begin, and this is a time of high self-confidence, enthusiasm, and independence.  Just one week later on the 27th Mercury enters Aries adding quick wit and imagination but watch out for impatience or impulsiveness in sudden changes of mind.  

PISCES: Your own personal new year starts now! Creativity, optimism, and high energy take you far.  The spotlight this month falls on your relationships that may now become elevated and easily transformed.  

ARIES:  Private life has high energy as new beginnings unfold and assist you in career and position.  The full moon focuses on health and the workplace as you easily make changes to advance yourself.     

TAURUS:  New paths open in your social life in both professional and personal areas with opportunities through travel or education.  Career is demanding/rewarding.  Full moon highlights fun wherever you go!    

GEMINI:  Career or position has new opportunities with growth and financial rewards likely.  Travel or education gets back on track. The full moon lights up your home and accents family life; change is easy.     

CANCER:  New plans include travel or education and bring growth, expansion, and a chance to work with partners.  You begin to clear up financial matters. Highlights fall on conversations, short trips, siblings.    

LEO:  Financial planning is accented with new options; increases in resources or support.  Partners are interactive with a serious tone.  Income and values are in the spotlight; benefits in work changes.    

VIRGO:  New fortunate beginnings in relationships foster mutual growth. Too many irons in the fire bring worry; affects health. The full moon spotlight is on you; expression, creativity, and self-presentation!     

LIBRA:  Wellness goes in a new beneficial direction and success in the workplace is likely. Romance is exciting and enjoyable. The full moon accents private life connected to family and your inner world.  

SCORPIO:  New doors open for romance, creativity, and relating to children.  The home and family life is pleasant and a hub of activity.  The full moon focuses on your social life, friends, and future plans.    

SAGITTARIUS:  A new energy fills home and family life with growth and optimism.  Many short trips and conversations are enjoyed.  The full moon brings career into the spotlight accenting income and values.  

CAPRICORN:  You have new paths in local travel that bring benefits.   Income is enhanced and energized with many options.  The spotlight falls on long-distance trips, beliefs, and learning; changes take place.    

AQUARIUS:  A new cycle begins in earning and spending as values are considered.  You are popular, energetic, and busy this month.  A full moon focuses finances and resources as you plan changes privately.

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