March 2020 Astrology Forecast

As March begins Mercury is still RETrograde in Pisces, and on the 4th even REvisits Aquarius again for a couple of weeks!  Keep catching up on things and remember to take it easy now. Love and money planet Venus moves along to Taurus on the 4th offering stability and a practical influence but in a unique and unpredictable way as it passes over Uranus!

A Full Crow Moon in Virgo lights up the sky on the 9th with creative and transformative energy! And on the very same day communication planet, Mercury will finally move into a direct motion! This brings adjustments and ideas into play as the energy unfolds these last two weeks of the lunar cycle.

Mercury then returns to intuitive Pisces on the 16th continuing through its shadow phase gaining speed as the month progresses.

The Vernal Equinox occurs when the Sun enters the constellation Aries on March 19 bringing us the first day of Spring! It is time for new beginnings and change is in the air! First of all the biggest news in the cosmos occurs on the 21st as the karmic, taskmaster Saturn moves into Aquarius!  All of the seasonal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and especially Capricorn will now get a bit of relief from this heavy influence for the next few months!

Then, a New Moon in action sign Aries on the 24th begins the lunar cycle with a powerful burst of energy to get us in the mood to conquer all of those projects and put our new plans into motion! We will get all of the mental stimulation we need when Mars, the planet of energy, desire and drive moves into progressive, intellectual Aquarius on the 30th! It will be there for the next six weeks getting our spring season off to a great start!

PISCES:  Social activity dominates your schedule but the full moon shines into partnerships, both personal and biz.  Pleasant chats and short trips with a bit of time alone until a new look into finances takes place later on.

ARIES:  Career stays action-packed all month and an unexpected increase in income may be the result!  The workplace is highlighted; health concerns are revealed. Later, your own personal year begins with you in charge!

TAURUS:  An adventurous trip and a focus on learning are accented!  You are favored and popular with friends! Fun and recreation give way to a more reflective mood as you take time to reconnect to your inner self later.

GEMINI:  Finances and resources take your attention this month as you make modifications. A strong focus on your home and family life gives way to strong social demands later on. Take time to recharge and relax, too!

CANCER:  Energy goes into personal and biz partnerships. Your social calendar is filled and unpredictable! Short trips and conversations are highlighted. Later, career and status, in general, may go in new directions.

LEO:  You take action with health needs and workplace accomplishing much! Superiors favor you now; position is elevated! Income areas are highlighted.  Travel and education relating to work get a new focus later.     

VIRGO:  Romance and recreation are where you put your energy now! A creative plan puts you in the spotlight! Reconnect in partnerships and take an unplanned trip! Later you look over new financial options; weigh risks.

LIBRA:  Home projects and family time get your attention! Resolve health concerns, review wellness plan. Sudden good fortune with resources likely. A new beginning in relationships both personal and biz as spring begins!  

SCORPIO:  Everyday life is busy and active and may include friends or groups and short trips! Reconnect to children, return to a hobby.  Your partner is agreeable. As the month ends work and health get your attention.   

SAGITTARIUS:  Financial matters and income are at the forefront now, as career and work bring changes. Reconnect with family and enjoy good health. New romance, fun, and hobbies can strain the budget; plan ahead!

CAPRICORN:  You are energetic and ready to take on whatever comes your way!  Conversations reveal, resolve! Romance and recreation are enjoyed! New energy fills home and family life as you modify and grow.    

AQUARIUS:  Review income options and reconsider direction with your resources; a hidden possibility may be revealed! Family and home life are pleasant. Short trips and conversations are good for peaceful reflection.  

Sirius Systems Astrological Services
Office: 727-347-4737
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