March 2019 Astrology Forecast

Mercury stations Retrograde on the 5th and slows things down for the next few weeks.  This will be your time to RE anything.

Reconnect, review or go on a retreat to rest and relax!  Nothing new for now; finish up everything and get ready for the surge of energy later this month that will propel your plans forward!  Big news the next day! Uranus, planet of the unexpected and unpredictable will enter slow, steady Taurus and stay there for the next few years; pushing natives of this sign out of their comfort zone!  Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius also get in on the excitement! On a global level watch for earth changes and currency modifications. The New Moon in Pisces, also on the 6th, begins this months lunar cycle. Creative, compassionate energy flows forth and your psychic awareness and intuition is heightened!  We wear rose colored glasses now but grounding planets keep us on track!

The Sun enters Aries on the afternoon of the 20th as the Vernal Equinox brings the first day of spring!  Just a few hours later we have a Full Crow Moon in Libra occurring on the same day! This is an action packed combo, full of new beginnings and motivation to kick off the season!  Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorns are all highlighted! Each of your birth charts are also activated; a professional astrologer can tell you what to expect and when!

The last week of March is full of cosmic activity with love planet Venus visiting sensitive Pisces on the 26th for three weeks.  Romance and creativity are strong influences and we are self-sacrificing, gentle and compassionate. Finally, Mercury stations direct the 28th in psychic Pisces giving us insight into our new plans and dreams until mid April!  Then, when action planet Mars enters spontaneous Gemini on the 31st, we can be pulled in so many directions it may be difficult to choose where to focus! Don’t worry, just enjoy the variety and options for the next month or so!

PISCES:  Your own new year begins now and the lunar cycle starts it off with future plans on the horizon! Daily activity is fast paced.  Full moon focus is on finances and resources. You have what you need to move on.     

ARIES: Behind the scenes you dream of new possibilities then work to make them happen.  Social time is enjoyable. Spotlight is on your partner; share ideas, activities.  Then get away for some quiet time and reconnect.  

TAURUS:  You have energy to spare this month and your social calendar is full!  Reconnect to friends; review future plans! Health issues can surface; education can aid new wellness plans. Position, status, career enhanced.

GEMINI:  Busy behind the scenes; working with resources.  New position or career options received; be gracious.  Romance, fun and children are center stage! Travel, learn and be creative but don’t break the budget!

CANCER:  Friends and future are unpredictable now; break away from old patterns.  New energy prompts travel, education; review beliefs. Resources are enhanced.  Home and family become focus. Partners challenging now.

LEO:  Financial plans get reviewed and restarted; assistance is available.  Partner is agreeable; pleasing. Position is defined by your uniqueness.  Spotlight on daily life, short trips, conversations. Monitor health; duties.

VIRGO:  Partnerships both business and personal have new beginnings; reconnect; discuss issues.  Self care and learning opens new avenues. Spotlight on earning, values; workplace enhanced. Budget for fun; family.

LIBRA:  Review health issues and begin a new program of renewal. Old patterns are let go of.  Enjoy romance; fun, be creative. You are on stage; balance with partner, home duties.  Short trips are likely and maybe lucky!

SCORPIO:  New start with love may be with an old flame. Reconnect with your creative self.  Partners need freedom. Private life takes your attention. Brings your dreams into daily life.  Home and family life is enjoyable now.

SAGITTARIUS:  Workplace and health is erratic and takes your energy.  Reconnect with family as new energy fills the home. You stay on the go as social life takes the spotlight.  Daily life and conversations are favorable.

CAPRICORN:  New energy in daily life keeps you on the go!  Reconnect to others. Income is enhanced. New patterns in love and leisure time evolve.  Full moon shines on career, position as you rethink obligations to release.

AQUARIUS: You are favored this month! Financial strategies are reviewed; assistance available.  Home and family life is unsettled. Education and travel is highlighted and beneficial.  Your beliefs are key to inner struggles.

By Sarah Lyons

Sarah Lyons has been providing astrological information for a lifetime; and a former president of the Astrology Assoc. of St. Petersburg, one of the oldest groups in the United States.  Available for private sessions, personal and business forecasting, lectures, parties, classes and more.

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