Madeira Beach Rolls Out Plan for Seafood Festival Parking

The 38th Annual John’s Pass Seafood Festival, scheduled Oct. 18 – 20,
2019, will once again draw thousands of people to Madeira Beach. The city will provide several options for parking, including full-service valet parking at John’s Pass Beach Park and exclusive parking at the municipal lot at Gulf Blvd. and 130th Ave. These locations are a short walk from the Seafood Festival and offer unlimited daily parking for $20.

All other municipal lots will remain at $2.50 per hour. Vehicles displaying official handicapped placards, stickers or license plates, or a Madeira Beach Resident Parking sticker will park with no charge in all municipal lots except for the full-service valet parking lot at John’s Pass Beach Park. Parking Enforcement staff will monitor all municipal lots throughout the festival with illegally parked cars receiving citations.

The easiest way to pay for parking is to download and use the Park Mobile app, which allows you to reserve as much time as you want once you park in a space, or to add time as needed without having to return to your vehicle and feed a meter. The Park Mobile app is available for free and
works on both Android and iOS platforms.

Free Jolley Trolley shuttle service will operate each day of the festival with shuttle busses traveling a continuous route from Madeira Beach City Hall to John’s Pass Village. The trolleys will pick up and drop off at City Hall, Archibald Beach Park, the Madeira Shops on 150th Ave., and County
Park. The Dolphin Quest cruise boat will ferry people from the Madeira Beach Recreation Center to the docks at John’s Pass Village for a charge of $5.

Residential and commercial property owners that want to charge for parking on their property can do so with a special event parking permit from the city. Resolution #2014-23 allows for the purchase of temporary parking permits for specific special events, including the John’s Pass Seafood Festival. The permit cost is $25 per day or $100 for one year and is available at Madeira Beach City Hall, 300 Municipal Drive, Madeira Beach.

For more information, contact Curt Preisser, City of Madeira Beach Public Information Officer, at 727-391-9951 x299 or

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