Madeira Beach Morning Market Moves to Seminole this November

The City of Seminole has voted unanimously to allow the move of the entire Mid-Week Madeira Beach Open Air Market operation to their City.  The move will take place in November of this year.

Given the looming construction on Madeira Way and the construction changes which are now precluding the previously determined ‘move to’ spot on the Tom Stuart Causeway for the coming Season, Market Operations Manager Laura Garrison felt, after much deliberation, that the move to Seminole was the best option.  “This is a huge move for us as a Market, especially after four very successful Seasons on Madeira Way,” stated Garrison. “We’ve helped bring awareness to the local businesses in Madeira Beach, we’ve developed a loyal customer base as a Market and folks look forward to returning to the Market season after season.  Its bittersweet, yet we are faced with construction challenges that necessitate change. We’re incredibly grateful, though, to –and for– the City of Seminole.  They have been a joy to work with and they have a wonderful epicenter that is perfect for us.  We’re excited about the move.”

The move will take place in November of this year.   The new Market,

The Seminole Wednesday Market, will be held on Wednesdays, from 10AM-2PM and will be located on the grounds of the City of Seminole Recreation Center at 9100 113th St in Seminole.

The City of Seminole Recreation Center, St Pete College, the City library, City Hall and the post office are all within the scope of the new Market location.  The location also boasts easy access, a great park-like setting and plenty of free parking.  Market entrance is free and the Market will be pet and family friendly.

For further information please visit

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