Madeira Beach Limits Services to Protect Public and Staff

The city of Madeira Beach has temporarily closed public access to all city facilities and reduced its functions to essential services only. The actions come as the city, at the direction of Pinellas County, closed beaches and city-operated beach parking lots over the weekend. The measures are designed to help slow the spread of Covid-19 (Coronavirus).

“We want everyone, residents, visitors, and staff to be safe and by limiting the areas where people would congregate, we are doing that,” said City Manager Bob Daniels. We saw a significant reduction in the number of people on the beach this past weekend the majority of residents are giving us feedback that they are in favor of the measures.”

Some of the changes in service include:

  • The Building, Planning & Zoning departments are accepting permits and development applications via drop-off only. Customer access will be limited to a drop box just outside of the main lobby doors.
  • Inspections will be limited to the exterior of a structure if possible. Interior inspections will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and when deemed necessary, will follow CDC social distancing recommendations between staff and the public.
  • Payment of permit and/or application fees will be limited to credit card transactions.

We understand this will have an impact on the overall processing timelines, but staff will respond to requests as quickly as possible. Contractors may still make permitting and inspection requests online.

All public meetings will be held telephonically or virtually.

For more information, contact Curt Preisser, City of Madeira Beach Public Information Officer at 727-391-9951 x299 or

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