Local News & Tidbits in Pinellas County January 2018

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” – Oprah Winfrey


January 20, 2018 – 10:30 am – 3 pm

Friends of the St. Petersburg Main Library, 3745 9th Ave. N,. St. Pete 893-7724 hold the Antiques Evaluation Fair. Dealers will evaluate items such as toys, dolls, books, documents, jewelry, china, glassware, Asian items, cameras, military memorabilia (no guns), and musical instruments. (No furniture please.)There is a charge of $5/item, or 3 items/ $12.


Annual Spaghetti Dinner, Tuesday February 27, 5-8 pm Treasure Island Community Center, 154 106th Ave.  Dinner’s open to the public. Entertainment provided. Cost is $10 for adults in advance or $12 at the door. Children under age 10 just $4. Tickets are available at the TI&MB Chamber of Commerce, 245 107th Ave., or at the door if not sold out.  Call Millie 727-367-1301 www.iopca.org


Stage  Lucky Stiff, January 12-28,

Book& Lyrics by LYNN AHRENS, Music by STEPHEN FLAHERTY. Based on “The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo” by Michael Butterworth First produced Off-Broadway in 1988 by Playwrights Horizons, Inc. this offbeat, hilarious murder mystery farce is complete with mistaken identities, $6 million in diamonds and a corpse in a wheelchair. An unassuming English shoe salesman stands to inherit a fortune if he can succeed in passing off his uncle off as alive. Weekend  Performances, January 12 – 28, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm, Sunday at 2 pm.

West Coast Players, 21905 US 19 N, near the corner of Drew St. and US 19 N. Box Office: 727-437-2363 or boxoffice@wcplayers.com

TICKETS: $25; Discounts for students & groups of 10+. 

The website link for tickets  is: https://app.artspeople.com/index.php?show=74601


See the Dixie Chaps in concert at the Bilmar on January 18. Admission $10.


Invites you to attend a concert entitled “Keyboard Extravaganza” on Saturday, January 27, at 4 p.m. at the church, 107 16th  Ave. St. Pete Beach, 33706. Choir director and organist Dale Williams and her assistant organist, Larry Farr will perform solo repertoire and 4-hand piano arrangements and organ/piano duets. Tickets ($10) include light refreshments and may be obtained at the church office or the door.  Proceeds support church mission projects.  For information on the concert and other church activities, call the church office, 727-360-5508 or visit the website www.pagchurch.org

RIVERDANCE plays Morsani Hall January 19-21 Drawing on Irish traditions, the combined talents of the performers propel Irish dancing and music into the present day, capturing the imagination of audiences across all ages and cultures in an innovative and exciting blend of dance, music and song. Of all the performances to emerge from Ireland – in rock, music, theatre and film – nothing has carried the energy, the sensuality and the spectacle of Riverdance.


Florida winter gets another blast of cool February 3 and 4, when the 2Cool Art Show returns to the beautiful Gulfport Casino.  Now in its seventh year, this indoor show may be relatively small in size with just 36 artists, but it’s packed full of high quality, award-winning work.   Painting, fiber arts, glass, photography, jewelry, sculpture and mixed media is all represented at this inviting show. Doors open from 10am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday. Admission is free and a cash bar is available.

Explore the city of Gulfport before or after the show.  Visit the unique shops, dine in one of the many great restaurants in and around the downtown area or relax with your toes in the sand at the beach.  The 2Cool Art Show is sponsored by the

Gulfport Merchants Association, the City of Gulfport and PAVA, the Professional Association of Visual Artists.


Misty Bottorff recently became the Executive Director of the Skyway Marina District. Misty was previously executive director of the Otsego, MI, Chamber of Commerce, and volunteer of a Main Street program there. Misty, her husband, who is in environmental project scientist with NOVA in Tampa, and their teenage daughter relocated to north Pinellas in 2015.

DUNEDIN FINE ART CENTER is currently accepting GENTLY used artwork and art related supplies for the Annual Trashy Treasures Art Sale, Tampa Bay’s BIGGEST and most beloved Art Garage Sale. Though DFAC does some incredible things, this is a personal favorite.  It’s a really fun fundraiser for DFAC and a great way for people to start or add to their art collections.  Artists, of course, score wonderful deals on art supplies also. But it all starts of course with people donating unwanted art and art supplies year after year.

The sale will take place on  Saturday, February 17, 2018, 10am – 2pm. Please drop by your donations to DFAC, Monday–Friday 10am–5pm, Saturday10am–2 pm or Sunday 1-4pm. Donations accepted until February 10th.Trashy Treasures Preview Party ($10) is Friday, February 16, 2018, at 6pm. Call Linda 727.298.3322 e.236  email linda@dfac.org Dunedin Fine Art Center, 1143 Michigan Blvd., Dunedin, FL 34698.


CONSERVATION COMMISSION FWC received $25,000 in donations for a new 2018 tagged-lionfish removal incentive program Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) gratefully acknowledged donations from six generous sponsors. These funds will go to the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida and will be used as cash prizes for a new and novel lionfish removal incentive program, rewarding harvesters who find and remove lionfish previously tagged by FWC staff. Lionfish are a nonnative invasive species that can reduce native fish populations and negatively affect the overall reef habitat. This program will run May 19 – Sept. 3 to coincide with the annual summer-long Lionfish Challenge, which rewards recreational and commercial lionfish harvesters with prizes for submitting their lionfish removal efforts. 

American Sportfishing Association. Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. Boat Owners Assoc of the US National Marine Manufacturers Assoc Coastal Conservation Assoc. of FL.  Marine Industries Association of Palm Beach County, Inc.

The goal of the 2018 tagged-lionfish removal program is to increase statewide removal efforts by giving divers a greater incentive to harvest lionfish more often while in search of the valuable tagged fish. Additional non-cash prizes are also available for those who harvest and submit a tagged lionfish. The program also will provide FWC with valuable data on the movement of lionfish. 

Six to eight lionfish will be tagged at each of 50 randomly-selected public artificial reef sites throughout the Atlantic and Gulf at depths of 80-120 feet. Participants will have access to treef locations at ReefRangers.com


Upham Beach is open for the season, except for the fenced off area containing the rock collection. St. Pete Beach features several miles of  “sugar sand,”, from the popular Beach at Pass-a-Grille at the city’s south end, (1st Ave to 22nd Ave) north to lesser known Upham Beach at the mouth of Blind Pass. (67th – 69th Ave) Upham Beach was donated to the city decades ago, likely due to its propensity to wash away, especially after condos were built, likely too close to the shore for mother nature to approve. To lessen the severity and frequency of erosion, and the cost of “nourishment,” a groin structure has been tested since 2005 to help stabilize the shore, in itially using huge yellow sand bags (geotubes). Deemed a successful experiment by a University of South Florida study in 2009, these temporary groins are being replaced by permanent rock groins. The contractor, Weeks Marine has been transporting barges of huge rocks down the Mississippi and across the Gulf of Mexico for the project, which was expected to be complete by now, but the $9.5 million job is only about half complete, and has been temporarily halted due to worries about winter storms in the Gulf. So, Upham Beach is open once more, if only temporarily.


Phase II of the Pass-A-Grille Way (PAGW) road reconstruction project is moving along at a brisk pace with dozens of material and construction submittals being approved by the design team.  Gibbs & Register will mobilize to the construction lay down yard starting January 2nd with equipment and materials ready to get to work.  The first activity we will see is the installation of traffic detour signs.  Also starting in the first week in January the contractor will mill up the existing asphalt road and mix it in with the sub-base, curb to curb, the entire way from 19th Ave to 1st Ave. The mix will be re-compacted to establish a suitable driving surface for all areas where residents and visitors need to drive and park.  There are several reasons for doing this; by homogenizing the material there is no need to cut asphalt as trenching in the utility pipes progresses.  That will make the trenching process much easier.  Also, by disturbing the surface early in the project, we will uncover any unforeseen sight conditions that may exist.  The contractor will have plenty of time to correct any condition found and keep the project on schedule.

Details on the Detour Plan show that 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Avenues are all open to normal traffic after the surface is milled & compacted.  Parking along the east and west side of PAGW between 6th Ave and 10thAve will remain as is during this phase of the project.  The city inspector and contractor will work with each property owner that has a driveway on PAGW to insure everyone has vehicle access to their properties.  Residents on the east side of PAGW between 12th Ave and 19th Ave will have continuous access to cross the street to get onto their property.  Mail and other deliveries will have access to everyone at all times.


Legendary Everglades landscape photographer, author, wilderness guide and lecturer Clyde Butcher is still on light duty after a stroke last year. On a limited schedule in 2018, Clyde plans only one lecture, at the Venice Performing Arts Ctr., 7:30pm, February 23. Entitled FLORIDA – Where Water Earth and Heaven Meet, Clyde’s presentation will be a pictorial journey & story about his background as an archtect and landscape designer in California to his ‘discovery’ of and adventures taking black and white photos of the Everglades with a large format camera. Signed copies of his books will be available before and after the presentation.

Tickets available at the Performing Art Center website, VenicePerformingArtsCenter.com

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