Letters to the Editor October 2018

Hello Renee and Peter! Fabulous article and front page cover on Tampa Bay Watch, you rock!!!
– Karen Casabura, Membership Consultant Tampa Bay Beaches Chamber of Commerce

Thank you to Paradise News!

Thank you to our friends and long-term supporters at Paradise News for featuring Tampa Bay Watch’s 25th anniversary on their cover and featured article in their August / September issue! Paradise News has been instrumental in increasing awareness of our mission over the past several years. We appreciate their support to help us restore and protect Tampa Bay!
– Rachel Arndt, Tampa Bay Watch

Editor’s Note – Paradise is all about our water quality & Tampa Baywatch is our favorite charity because they are recruiting volunteers, taking actions that make a difference and educating youth for the future. Keep up the great work and we’ll keep supporting you!

Dear Valued Partners,

Recently, The City of Madeira Beach’s Board of Commission decided in a 4-1 consensus to defund the Madeira Beach Water Taxi and sever our contract.

This is a terrible shame, as the ground work was laid and our fledgling service just started gaining traction… thanks in large part to YOUR support!

Unfortunately after two years working to build community support in Madeira Beach and beyond, the new Mayor and Commission lacks the vision shared by many of you. This article illustrates our efforts and what is needed for future county-wide success.

With the loss of this partnership, we have been forced to discontinue our service in Madeira Beach and will sell (or relocate) our assets at the end of September.

Please note this does not affect our popular ferry routes to Egmont Key and Shell Key, and all will remain the same at Hubbard’s Marina.

We cannot thank you enough for your consistent support.  Quite literally, we could not have done this without you. So thank you! Stay tuned as we will inevitably be causing more trouble soon…

Sincerely, Corey, Mark & Dylan Hubbard, and the staff of Hubbard’s Marina and Tampa Bay Ferry.


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