Letters to the Editor March 2019

I really enjoy reading Paradise News and love the fact that it covers so much about our area. I very much appreciate your hard work and dedication in making Paradise News the best magazine anywhere and I look forward to its arrival every month. I have one area of improvement I would like to suggest. By the time I receive Paradise News here in Broadwater, a fair amount of interesting events and activities have already happened. This can be frustrating as I often look in the magazine to see what’s happening only to find out an event that sounded like fun already happened.  Regards, Phil

From the Editors:

Don’t recycle Paradise NEWS until the new one comes! Thanks Phil for the kind remarks. The new issue goes online on our website near the first, when it also goes to the printer. It takes the printer a week (if we went on the 15th, it would take 2 weeks) and the post office takes another week to get it to you. Since the post office delivers Paradise NEWS mid-month, we try to cover all events before then in the prior month’s issue. Hang onto each issue until the next one comes and that concern should vanish. You can  visit www.paradisenewsfl.com and take a peek at the new issue online, or subscribe (for FREE) to our weekly Thursday newsletter with the Top Five things happening each weekend. Others have told us they keep their calendar with them as they read Paradise News to note upcoming events they wish to attend.

Tampa Bay Watch strives to provide high-quality, inclusive summer camp programs for ALL of our community’s youth, and your generous participation in our summer camp scholarship campaign makes this possible. Help us reach our goal of $10,000, which will change the lives of 16 future environmental stewards by sending them to our summer camps on full scholarship and provide for the resources that are necessary to power our summer camps. Whether it’s the camper’s first time on a boat or first time holding a sea star, we believe every child deserves the invaluable experience of Tampa Bay Watch summer camp – and we know you do, too!

Give today, change a child’s life forever!

This is why we’re asking for your help in providing scholarship funds that will send 16 bright, curious, and deserving children to our summer camps. Your gift today allows us to continue making a positive impact on students in our community while providing them with the knowledge and experiences that inspire them to be lifelong stewards of their environment.

Thank you,

Peter A. Clark, President

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