Letters to the Editor June/July 2018

Hi Peter & Renee, 

Thanks for including Soul Night (ad) in your latest issue!  —Sam, SwingTime (Events@SwingTime.info).

Absolutely! Paradise News is EXACTLY the kind of publication I was looking for to accommodate my upcoming move, as well as being a great opportunity for advertising & mutual opportunities. Thanks! – Bruce Driggers

Hi!  I love Paradise News! 

We have recently moved permanently to the area.  I look forward to receiving this great magazine to see all the activities and news of this beautiful place. And to be complimentary is amazing.  My only suggestion would be to move up the delivery date. I received the May issue today, May 12 and am disappointed to see we have already missed several events we would have attended that have taken place

earlier in the month.  Any chance this lovely publication could get in circulation a week or so sooner. Not a complaint….thanks to all involved.   – Susan Brooks

Publishers Reply:

Congratulations on your relocation. Pete moved from Canada after high school (almost 50 years ago now) as soon as he found out there was somewhere it didn’t snow. Renee and he met at St. Pete Junior College and married quite young. August 15th will mark 47 years together.

We try our best to include all of the events in the current issue that we know will happen before the next issue gets delivered space permitting, so hang onto the May issue until June/July arrives. We try to pack 6 weeks of events into the monthly and 10 weeks into the bimonthly summer issues to create an overlap. If there is not enough room to list all of the events coming early in the following month, we give priority to items that are not covered elsewhere in the issue, such as in the Arts and Leisure listings.

The new issue is online at www.paradisenewsfl.com quite early each month. Access is free. You can even subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter that comes out every Thursday giving you the top 5 things to do this weekend. Hit the newsletter tab to see last Thursday’s and to subscribe (also free of charge).

We send files to the printer at that time. If we send it much sooner, it gets bogged down with all of the others that want to be out on the first, and takes twice as long. When we go in on the first or second they turn us around in just a few days. Then, the post office takes a week to deliver on “Island Time.”

We start to fill 550 racks and stacks up and down the beaches and on the mainland on the 6th or 7th most months. The St. Pete Beach post office is one of the first places to get new copies, since we are there almost everyday.

In summary:

Keep each issue at least until the next one arrives. Read the Arts & Leisure calendar & the Arts & Culture section as well as the Events section.

Subscribe to the e-newsletter. Thanks for reading Paradise NEWS and taking the time to let us know how much you appreciate our labor of LOVE.

Renee & Peter Roos – Co-Publishers

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