Letters to the Editor- February 2019

Greetings to all and Happy New Year! We are thrilled that Paradise News published a story about This Is Love featuring an exclusive interview with Mick Fleetwood! 

This Is Love is kicking off 2019 with more festival screenings, including premieres in Lisbon, Portugal (Feb 9), Santa Fe NM (Feb 14) and Stillwater OK (March 1-3). Here is a link to the Santa Fe Film Festival’s announcement: http://santafefilmfestival.com/index/film/this-is-love/

Please spread the word and we hope to see you and yours at a screening soon!

All the best, – The This Is Love team


Hi Steve,

I saw your This Is Love story in Paradise News online and it looks great. We have shared it on social media and I know it is getting great reactions!  Is there any chance we could be sent hard copies of the magazine? If possible I’d love to share them with Mick, cast and crew etc…

Thanks very much again for everything!

All the best, – John Alexander

St. Pete Beach’s, North Beach Community Association (NBCA) is officially closed.  Remaining monies of $2098.70 have been donated to organizations benefiting our community

  • St Pete Beach Beach Kids’ Robotics Program: $1098.70 Donation
  • Veterans of So. Pinellas County Medal of Honor Memorial Fund supplying scholarships, etc., to our area vets:  $1000.00

My thanks to everyone for their support through the years, and I’ll see you in the neighborhood!

Regards, – Your Prez, Paul Pfister

Good Morning to you.

I have just finished reading Paradise News and, as always, find myself to be amazed at the content, helpful articles, and things to do and see.

Being an active lawn bowler in St. Petersburg for a great number of years I was wondering if it might be possible to get an honourable mention in an upcoming issues.

Our club is very active for visiting snowbirds as well as local residents of the community. We play from November 1st to April 30 each year on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, starting competitive play at 9.30 am sharp. FREE LESSONS begin at 9 am.

We have social events as well, and it’s very good fun, competitive, and an excellent form of exercise. I have enclosed a link to our website which is full of useful information at the top and would personally invite both of you to stop by sometime soon and give it a try.

Thank you in advance for your support.  – Trevor Cleland


Dear Renee and Peter:

As we look back at many of the significant events which have shaped Treasure Island and other local communities, we would be remiss if we did not include the introduction of encouraging coverage by your fine publication. From the first beach nourishment to expansion of police and fire departments, orderly growth, over $1 million in donations from the Treasure Islettes,

Advanced Life Support….and the support of Paradise News.

Many more productive years!  

Sincerely, Millie & Julian Fant

The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends. – Shirley MacLaine

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