Letters to the Editor December 2018

Dear Editor:

Recently you published a very thorough and comprehensive article written by Steve Traiman that informed your readers about the state of arts funding and the importance of Arts Advocacy in the State of Florida. We are very appreciative of the coverage both because of its important role in keeping the public informed and because of the hard work the article has done for arts and culture since its publication.

As soon as it came out, I sent a link and/or PDF of the article to my Local Arts Agency counterparts throughout the State of Florida, so that they could use it as part of their advocacy campaign.  They in turn shared it with their local government leaders, business leaders and community members/ supporters in their counties, as we also did here in the Bay area.

Additionally, I forwarded the article to our contacts at the Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and to our arts advocacy partners.  Our initial goal was to demonstrate the level of media coverage we were generating for our advocacy efforts in our area. As an added benefit (as they have shared with us) they were able to use the article as a reference point/summary of feet-on-the-ground arts advocacy activities that were taking place in the state, which further underscored the importance of arts and culture here in Florida and definitely got people’s attention.

Finally, as often happens, the story generated further interest from other media outlets – who then researched and wrote articles of their own – and so Mr. Traiman’s article has helped us to continue to keep this story relevant and top of mind.

On behalf of Creative Pinellas and (unofficially) the arts community, thank you for publishing this article and thank you to Steve Traiman for doing such an excellent job putting the story together.

Sincerely, Barbara St. Clair
Executive Director, Creative Pinellas

The Board of Directors of the Gulfport Senior Center Foundation would like to thank you for your generous in-kind gift of quarter page advertising in the Paradise News to support the Monster Mash event in October. We believe that the advertising was a great help in bringing more participants to the Monster Mash and making the event a success.…

Our Board of Directors want you to know how much we appreciate the continued support of Paradise News and the role you play in helping us to provide funding and support to the Senior Center. Because of your generosity, we look forward to being able to help the Gulfport Senior Center offer superior programs and service that benefit our seniors.

Jennifer Terrana – President – Gulfport Multipurpose Senior Center Foundation 

Happy Wednesday! I wanted to reach out to say THANK YOU for including Sea Turtle Trackers, Inc. on the November issue of Paradise News. I cannot thank you enough for your support!


Lucy Monette – Board Member, Sea Turtle Trackers, Inc. 

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