Letters to the Editor April 2019

I recently joined the TREASURE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY  because I love this island and want to help in the preservation of the wonderful and interesting memorabilia that has been collected. This is the first annual selection of a Citizen of the Year and he will be honored that night. He is JULIAN FANT….  who first served as manager of the Treasure Island Chamber of Commerce in 1961 and then as mayor of Treasure Island for 10 years beginning in 1965 as well as District 2 Commissioner. He was a member of the Treasure Island volunteer fire department for 30 years. He also is the unofficial city historian and founder of the art guild. He had been involved in Treasure Island politics for many years.

– Sylvia Stanley “all you need is love and a gorgeous hat”

Editor – Julian Fant served as columnist of the “FINAL WORD” in Paradise NEWS for over a year after his last appointed role as commissioner. Congratulations Julian on your well-deserved recognition and thanks again for all your service to the community.

The Florida Holocaust Museum issued the following statement:

To the people of New Zealand: As Elie Wiesel wrote: Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must – at that moment- become the center of the universe.

From far across the oceans, we at The Florida Holocaust Museum condemn hatred. We condemn violence. We condemn fear being generated. We condemn the hateful, hurtful, dangerous actions of white supremacy.

We offer resolve and hope for a brighter future, where people can coexist across religious difference, across color lines, across beliefs. We offer compassion. We offer solidarity. With the memory of the Holocaust and genocide, with a passion for the betterment of human rights, we say to you, there will be a new day.

You are the center of our universe.

In solidarity,

– The Florida Holocaust Museum, Holocaust Memorial Center, Zekelman Family Campus, Holocaust Museum Houston, Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center Montreal Holocaust Museum

Dear Renee and Peter:

Please accept my congratulations on the quality of Paradise News. 

In my opinion you and your publication have successfully grown with the times.  Your articles are interesting and to my eyes, refreshingly apolitical. I now look forward to your monthly efforts and enjoy most if not all of the content.


– John E. Bailey
– Former St Pete Beach Commissioner

In your article “Lane Closures Pending,” by Peter Roos, (Feb Page 31) the advice to contact Jim Sebesta is incorrect.  He is no longer a FL State Senator. The FL Senators who represent parts of St. Petersburg, So. Pasadena and beaches are Darryl Rouson, Jeff Brandes and Ed Hooper. Please Share. Thank you for this news!

– Diane Lohr, South Pasadena

1 thought on “Letters to the Editor April 2019”

  1. Hello Renee and Peter,
    I wanted to get the word out to as many families as I could who enjoy the beautiful waters of Boca Ciega Bay. It came to our attention, because I happen to walk in front of the building site, that the Dolphin Reef, the condo/hotel that is under construction on 107th was asking the City of Treasure Island for a variance to build a dock that would stretch into the water 138 ft (almost 3 times the normal length which is set at 50 ft ) and would be 65 ft wide, actually extending beyond the property. Several of us went to the Planning and Zoning committee meeting and were dismissed as they approved it. Many of the home owners in the area are very upset as to what it will do to the value of our homes in the area and the precedence it sets for others to request docks that will now stick out into the waterways creating issues for boaters, paddle boarders, kayakers, as well as the sea life that we see enjoying this area. The request was made to accommodate very large boats. If you look around the area all of the docks respect the 50 ft rule that has been in place and that sets up an area of continuity that benefits everyone who uses and has homes on Boca Ciega Bay. A few letters were written in that mentioned looking forward to this marina. A marina was not mentioned when Dolphin Reef asked for the variance as they were granted the variance by the city for a private dock for the benefit of the owners. We have written and called our government officials, but have not heard back as of yet. I really feel that this is something that will affect so many in changing an area that so many use and love.

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