KUDOS- Good Deeds & Accomplishments in Pinellas County February 2018

The St. Pete Beach Classic Race 5K, 10K, Beach Run and half marathon were run January 12-14, 2018. The winner of the 10K was Anthony Douaihy of Palm Harbor, followed by Jimmy Williams and Casey Smith, both of St. Petersburg. Paradise NEWS was well represented at the finish line by Dianne Sweetapple, Jennifer Strope and Janet Hopson, all of whom also plan to participate in the Skyway Marina District’s May 3rd “MayDay” Race, which Paradise NEWS also helps to sponsor. Submitted by Janet Hopson.

American Legion Post 273 Madeira Beach sponsored our local Oratorical Contest. The purpose is to develop a deeper knowledge and appreciation for the U.S. Constitution among High School students. Contestant Kai Tomalin (r.) from Canterbury HS, St. Petersburg, successfully made his presentation to our panel of judges. He is joined by (l.-r.): First Vice Commander Mike Haygood, Historian & Oratorical Chairperson Beverly Logan and Second Vice Commander Anthony Torregrossa. Kai will now have the opportunity to compete at the District level on February 3, 2018. Our best wishes to him and his family!  

Submitted by: Anthony Torregrossa

100 Women Who Care of Pinellas County presented Caregivers Support Network with a donation of $11,400 on Thursday, January 11th. The mission of Caregivers Support Network is to bring the community together to recognize youth caregivers as heroes, as well as to provide scholarship funding for youth who sacrifice their educational advancement to care for a loved one. 100 Women Who Care of Pinellas County is a philanthropic group that provides an avenue for women to join together to bring financial support to local, charitable organizations that have a 501(c)(3) status. Since February of 2013, they have given $159,300 to local charities. The next meeting is 7 – 8 pm. on Tuesday, February 20th at Cove Cay Golf Club at 2612 Cove Cay Drive in Clearwater. There is a social time from 6 – 7 p.m. at the Cove Cay restaurant, where drinks and snacks can be purchased. 

Pictured left to right: Brenda George (100 Women Who Care Co-Leader), Malyna Reed (volunteer caregiver), Julie Webster (100 Women Who Care Co-Leader), Volunteer representatives and donors to Caregivers Support Network: Margie Ratcliff (volunteer coordinator), Robin Nellis, Debbie Truche (event coordinator), Dianna Slutzker, Tammy Perez, Melodie Vorhees, Tammie Williams, Pete Zeher, Teresa Vanderkool, and SP Singh.

For more information, contact Brenda George – 727-515-1868 or on Facebook at 100+ Women Who Care- Pinellas County.

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