Kudos April 2017

50th Anniversary  Live Dixieland Jazz 

The Bilmar Beach Resort celebrated  the 50th Anniversary of live Dixieland Jazz on March 8 with a Mardi Gras-themed celebration in the Crystal Sands Ballroom.

Back in 1967 the original owner Russ Baltz started the tradition of Dixieland Jazz on the beaches of  Treasure Island.  Through two changes in ownership, the hotel has kept the tradition alive  What’s amazing is the loyal following of music fans who flock to their shows. The Dixieland Jazz Band plays the Bilmar Beach Resort every Wednesday  6:30 – 9:00 p.m.

Clyde Smith, the Bilmar Beach Resort General Manager, expects a lot of regulars.  “In attendance were Mrs. Jackie Reis from St. Petersburg.  She attended the very first show in 1967 with her husband Andy.  The Reis family (round photo) has been guests at the Bilmar since 1965 and still bring 4 generations of family to the Bilmar on Treasure Island every July 4th Holiday Weekend,”  says Smith.

The Bilmar Beach Resort is the heart of  Treasure Beach Island and a perfect home away from home for the local festivals, Friday farmer’s market and catching up with friends with a Gulf view at Sloppy Joe’s and Bilmar Beach Café.

10650 Gulf Boulevard,  Treasure Island, FL 33706  |  (727) 360-5531  |  www.BilmarBeachResort.com  |   http://www.bilmarbeachresort.com/photos.htm

The Florida Bibliophile Society (FBS) awarded its first Lee J. Harrer Student Book Collecting Contest award this February to Eckerd College freshman Emma Gregory. She received the $500 prize in a ceremony where she got to meet Harrer, a founder  of the FBS in 1983. Gregory had submitted an essay about her love for collecting books about sea creatures and short story anthologies to the committee.

Students at all the colleges in the Tampa Bay area were eligible to win. Gregory’s mother and sister, who attended the February ceremony, were certain about what she would spend her loot on: “More books.” Photo courtesy of Eckerd College.

Photo ID  L to R: Lee J Harrer & Emma Gregory

Celtics Youth Basketball Team – Madeira Beach   

Gulf Beach Masonic Lodge, located at 14020 Marguerite Dr in Madeira Beach, recently sponsored a Madeira Beach Recreation youth basketball team.  The team, called the Celtics, won the league championship. Gulf Beach Lodge is dedicated to supporting the community and its youth programs in order to assist in building a positive outlet for our young people. The Lodge encourages other organizations and businesses to take part in supporting our children and their sports teams throughout the year.

Gulf Beach Masonic Lodge No. 291, chartered in 1950, has been an active force on the Gulf Beaches for 67 years. Members included bankers, contractors, teachers, Congressmen, soldiers, pharmacists, police, firefighters, and a myriad of men from all walks of life. Open to men ages 18 & up, offers an opportunity to be proactive in the community. Be a part of a three hundred years fraternity.  Some notable Freemasons were George Washington (& 15 other US Presidents), Ben Franklin, Henry Ford, Red Skelton and General Douglas MacArthur. Interested in more information about Freemasonry?  Visit www.gulfbeachlodge.org or contact Secretary secretary@gulfbeachlodge.org

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