Kiwanis Gulf Beaches is Looking for Your Help Serving Pinellas County Children in Need

kiwanis-gulf-beachesAs members of our community, the Kiwanis Gulf Beaches are trying to help those children that need hep to make a better life for those that are alone in the world. Kiwanis is a global organization that has been in existence for a 100 years, serving over 86 countries, helping children around the world to have many opportunities that normally they wouldn’t have. Kiwanis services international, state, county and local cities. 

Kiwanis is a 100% charity and a 501c3 giving all proceeds back to the charity. As a member you will be a volunteer that paps a small yearly dues.

The Kiwanis do a lot of projects that get you involved with a lot of people of the communities.

Projects: The Miracle League (baseball for handicapped children) Ronald McDonald House, Locks of Love (making wigs from people’s donated hair), Alex’s Lemonade Stand (For Pediatric Cancer), Every Child a Swimmer (Free for children 5 to 8 years  old at the St. Pete Beach Aquatic Center). Money making projects like the Trever Mill’s 5K Run which will be held on April 4, 2015 at Paradise Island, Treasure Island. They have done the Mardi Gras, been in parades, Casino Night and many others. 

Service clubs are having trouble everywhere getting people to be a part of helping others. It takes people to make the commitment to make an organization work. There are children today in need of help and less people helping. Its not about us, but about them. Learn more at Meetings are Mondays 6:30-8:00pm at 690 Gulf Blvd, St. Pete Beach.

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