Key Readership Communities Look Ahead to 2020 and Beyond

Photos from Contributors

Paradise News has been covering the barrier islands and more recently downtown St. Pete for more than 25 years. To kick off the new decade, we asked the respective leaders of our key readership communities for their immediate and future priorities for their constituencies. All responded in a very positive way, which gives our major tourist area a forward-looking view for the next decade.


Mayor Rick Kriseman told Paradise News, “2020 will be the ‘Year of the Burg’ in Tampa Bay. The new St. Pete Pier and Pier District will open this coming year, as will the much-anticipated Museum of the American Arts and Craft Movement. Residents and visitors will see continued progress throughout our city as we catalyze additional economic development in areas like 22nd Street South and the Skyway Marina District. We will also continue to nurture all that makes St. Pete shine, including the arts, our entrepreneurial spirit, and our natural environment. 

“Most important, we will double down on preparing our city for a future of extreme weather and rising tides, doing our small part to mitigate a changing climate while implementing adaptation measures.“Looking ahead, we will also continue with our generational ‘St Pete 2050’ visioning process, which will ensure our smart growth is powered by the very people who live in and love the Sunshine city.  I encourage residents to participate by visiting

(StPete2050 is a city-wide conversation about ​where our city is going and what it can become over the next 30 years. We encourage community members to lend their input on the city’s future through various engagement events listed on this site. We want to hear what you have to say about the future of your city. Share your thoughts and ideas with us here by going online and taking the survey at (

Mayor Kriseman concluded, “St. Petersburg will be a city of opportunity where the sun shines on all who come to live, work and play. We will be an innovative, creative and competitive community that honors our past while pursuing our future. Here’s to a prosperous, healthy and sunny new year in paradise for St. Pete, Pinellas County, and all of Tampa Bay.”


Mayor Al Johnson noted for Paradise News, “As St. Pete Beach enters a new decade, we are immersed in an extensive effort to restore the health of our infrastructure as well as improve it to handle any development allowed under our comprehensive plan.

“In 2020 our sewer system is the top priority again.  While much has been done to repair and upgrade the existing system over the past five-plus years, in January we will begin a project to increase the capacity to a level that can handle any future development, and this should be completed by mid-2021.  

“We will also continue to proceed with major street renovation projects.  Our third complete street ‘rebuild’ project will conclude in early 2020. The next one is currently in the visioning/design stage, with construction to begin in 2021.  All these complete street projects involve waste water, potable water, reclaimed water, storm water, undergrounding utilities and fiber optics components, in addition to being designed to improve our walkability and pedestrian/bicycle safety.  

“Street resurfacing throughout the city is proceeding at a rapid pace, prioritized and managed by our Public Works staff.  Streets along with seawalls and storm drain systems have been inspected and their needs prioritized to make the best use of our financial resources.  These Capital Projects are funded — using nearly 20% of our operating budget each year plus various grants and loans.

“Long term, we are taking steps to deal with climate change and its impacts on sea level while developing a Sustainability Action Plan for the period 2020-2050.  Several of our lowest lying neighborhoods currently experience salt water flooding through storm drainage systems during high tide. The initial efforts in executing our sustainability action plan will see the start of construction of drainage improvement projects to address this problem in three of our most affected areas during the first quarter of 2020.  When designing drainage systems, we now consider keeping salt water out first, then removing rain water. 

“We have much to do… and the will to do it.  Our challenge is to maintain the delicate balance between resort destination and Gulf coast beach town that makes the “Sunset Capital of Florida” a special place for visitors and a true paradise for those of us fortunate enough to call it home! I’ve seen it written: ‘If you are lucky enough to live by the sea… you are lucky enough.’  So true!”


Mayor Lawrence “Larry” Lunn told Paradise News, “As soon as I was elected March 20, 2018, I began pursuing a plan to redevelop our downtown. Harvard Jolly, a leading St. Petersburg architectural firm, had been engaged by the city to develop a plan for relocating the city governmental facilities and redevelop the whole area in and around the downtown of Treasure Island. Parallel with this effort, I engaged AHA Architecture, another St. Petersburg firm, to study the downtown area and advise me of the best plan for 21st century redevelopment. AHA not only provided redevelopment plans but also included suggestions for improving the city administration facilities, as well as the public works, public parks and public safety facilities.

“In addition, USFSP was engaged to provide the economic analysis of the financial benefits that most likely would be produced by implementing the plan for redeveloping our downtown. At this time, we are working to find funding to carry out the redevelopment. Most important, all our residents and businesses will have an opportunity to participate in the final design of the new downtown redevelopment. As currently planned, the redevelopment plan will take approximately five years and will be done in six separate phases, in order to minimize business disruption during construction.  

“In 2019, the city contracted to purchase the Allied Insurance building at 10451 Gulf Blvd., to be used as a replacement for the current city Hall at 120 108th Ave. as well as other city offices. The purchase closing is expected during the first quarter of 2020. Remodeling of the new building will begin soon after closing and it is anticipated that city employees will be moving in before the end of the year.  

“As for other plans for the next five years, I believe that the move of city personnel to the Allied Insurance building and the redevelopment of our downtown will create a wave of new development in Treasure island that is sorely needed to make sure our city remains a desired destination for years to come for tourists as well as businesses.

“In my opinion, 2020 is going to be a great year for further initiating my efforts — along with our dedicated and hard-working city personnel — to propel Treasure Island into the 21st century.”


Robert “Bob” Daniels, promoted from interim to full-time city Manager August 27 with a new two-year contract, told Paradise News, “I did not enter the role in July with an ‘interim’ mindset. My agenda was and is clear, we must move forward. To that end, I worked closely with senior staff to establish more stringent procedures for efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness.

“Looking ahead to 2020, the Cambria Hotel project is scheduled to open in the spring and the Hampton Inn project (formerly the Holten property) will break ground as early as January. To compensate for future impacts that development would bring, we are actively studying impact fees as a possible new revenue generator to pay for our increased expenses.

“We have made changes to our team, the latest being the addition of Jamie Aherns as our new Public Works Director and the promotion of Brian Rau, who will soon move from Parking Supervisor to Marina Manager. We continue to emphasize transparency with our residents and businesses with new information distributed through social media, email, instant messaging and our website.

“Starting in 2020, we will offer a series of free weekly classes called Madeira Beach Academy (MBA). They will showcase not only how local government works, but also how the people perform who work daily. Participants will see first-hand what it takes to put together an item for the Board of Commissioners’ consideration, organize a beach cleanup or host 200 children at a recreation event. More information on the upcoming MBA is coming soon.”

“The new year – and the future – hold great promise for Madeira Beach. We don’t have to, and probably won’t, agree on everything. That is one of the best things about local government — everyone has a voice and a chance to speak. We will continue to respect that right and move forward by listening with an open mind, hearing all points of view, and making the best decisions for our community.”


Arthur Penny, mayor of South Pasadena, told Paradise News: “I am honored to be part of the City Commission during such an exciting time for our community. The coming years offer significant potential for growth if we can capitalize on the numerous opportunities before us. 

“In the short-term, the city has several key priorities to address in the next few years. The Commission and staff will be working on several projects, including the development of a new fire station and updating the City Code to better support our citizens and businesses. Relocating the fire station should only improve the already stellar performance of our Public Safety Department by providing more adequate facilities in line with today’s fire service standards. Updating ineffective Code policies will be designed to address the needs and concerns of residents, bolster the success of existing businesses, and encourage new businesses to enter the area. I anticipate that these projects will serve as valuable foundations for the future success of the city of South Pasadena. 

“In the long-term, it is my goal that the city can foster a business-friendly corridor along Pasadena Avenue while protecting the small town feel that many of our residents love. Pursuing the right development over the next five to ten years would benefit the entire city by filling market gaps and strengthening the local economy. We would all be better served if our vacant lots become occupied and our area is revitalized. I believe that with the proper oversight, the city’s main thoroughfare could flourish without disrupting or changing the core identity of the community. Change can sometimes be controversial, but it is my goal that moving the city forward will be a unified effort where all stakeholders are heard, involved, and respected.

“The city of South Pasadena is a small but valuable gem in Pinellas County. It has a unique character that I believe would only be enhanced with the right developmental policies in place. It is my priority to promote economic growth along Pasadena Avenue while looking out for the interests of residents so that the community grows without losing its indisputable charm.”


Jerry Frulio, president of the Tierra Verde Community Association (TVCA) told Paradise News, “The new High Span fixed two lane bridge being constructed on S.R. 679 Pinellas Bayway should be completed by the summer of 2021. It will replace the existing Drawbridge and include both a 12-ft.-wide shared use path on the East side as well as a 5-ft.-wide sidewalk along the West side. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), has provided a website dedicated to monitoring the progress of the bridge construction. Any pertinent information that residents or visitors to Fort DeSoto should be aware of can be accessed at 

“After completion of the new High Span Bridge, there will be a repaving of S.R. 679. The seawall south of the bridge will be replaced, and a new roundabout is planned at the intersection of Madonna Blvd and 1st Street North to include a pedestrian crossing south of the roundabout. 

“Other positive projects include the opening of the new Residence Inn by Marriott Hotel for business sometime during this past month. It is located just south of Madonna Blvd. on the west side of S.R. 679. The year-long FDOT Median Beatification project is about completed and will be turned back over to our TVCA by the contracting firm sometime in early January. The project has greatly enhanced the landscaping design of the medians from the north side of the island south to the East Shore/West Shore entrances. 

“Also, the Tennis/Pickleball courts have been resurfaced at the County Park are now being used by both Tennis and Plckleball players. The Ball Field also has been resurfaced and new bleachers were provided by the County. We currently have the Southwest Little League utilizing the field as well as a designated T-Ball area for the youngsters. 

“We are happy to announce that the Lealman Fire Department has been given an additional five-year contract by Pinellas County to provide fire and rescue services to our residents. Lealman personnel have gone the extra mile to ensure our residents and businesses of their dedication to provide us with exceptional coverage. They have also been instrumental with their participation in community projects that are undertaken by both business and private charitable organizations.

“We see a great future ahead for our Tierra Verde residents, visitors and businesses.” 


Tony Fabrizio, Pinellas County Commission Senior Public Relations Coordinator, provided this key information to Paradise News. 

Among Commission’s Florida Legislative Priorities for the new 2020 session, some are very important (boldface below) to our readership communities: 

Maintain the integrity of home rule power, which allows the development and implementation of community-based solutions to local problems, without state limitations; Oppose unfunded mandates that impact local government’s ability to control its budget; Support adequate state funding for constitutional officers required to perform duties on behalf of the state; Support Sadowski Affordable Housing Trust Fund to be used exclusively for housing; Support a dedicated recurring source of funding for beach nourishment. 

Also, Support the development of a Statewide Climate Resiliency Plan; Oppose any and all oil drilling or exploration efforts in state waters; Maintain the integrity of Tampa Bay Water as the regional water supplier; Support state funding for the Arts and cultural institution; Support priorities of our partner organizations and agencies when aligned with the Board’s priorities; and Support state funding to assist local infrastructure improvements including septic to sewer conversion and damaged sanitary sewer laterals. 

Commission funding priorities include Tampa Bay Innovation Center, $2,000,000 for design and construction of 45,000-sq.-ft., state-of-the-art facility to house this incubator that will lead to the formation of new high-wage primary employers throughout the Tampa Bay area and the creation of quality jobs for our citizens …. Pinellas County Marchman Act,  $1,549,025 to support Central Florida Behavioral Health Network’s funding request for ten (10) secure Marchman beds in Pinellas County … and Highpoint Community Recreation Complex, $800,000 in partnership with Pinellas County School Board and the city of Largo to construct a recreation facility to include multi-purpose fields, park shelters, and playground equipment to serve a low-income community which currently lacks access to recreational opportunities.

Looking ahead, the Commission recently approved new Penny for Pinellas (Penny IV) Affordable Housing and Economic Development Program Guidelines. County staff and program partners will review and recommend projects for funding from the 8.3% Penny net proceeds designated for these projects between 2020 to 2029.

[Editor’s Note: Special thanks to mayors Rick Kriseman, St. Petersburg; Al Johnson, St. Pete Beach; Larry Lunn, Treasure Island; and Arthur Penny, South Pasadena; Jerry Frulio, president, Tierra Verde Community Assn.; City Manager Bob Daniels, Madeira Beach; and Nick Fabrizio, Pinellas County Commission Senior PR Coordinator, for their excellent commentary.]

[Steve Traiman is president of Creative Copy by Steve Traiman, St. Pete Beach, providing business writing services at or by phone to 727-363-7531.]

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