June & July 2018 Astrology Forecast by Sarah Lyons


Only three weeks of spring left to enjoy; and with our playful pairing of Sun and Mercury, speeding along in quick, curious Gemini, we can live in the  moment and enjoy the variety of experiences it constantly brings! But, changes begin on the 12th when Mercury moves along to intuitive Cancer and we become more easily swayed by our senses and more sensitive to our surroundings.  The New Moon in Gemini on the 13th starts the lunar cycle which will support learning and making adjustments to transform your current situation. Our love and money planet Venus makes her grand entrance into Leo on the same day which puts us in the mood for romance!  We love big and spend big now as we love life and love itself in an “over the top” way!

The Summer Solstice occurs on the 21st as the Sun enters Cancer; bringing a new season!  We are family and home focused; patriotic and concerned for humanity. Ready to enjoy spectacular weather and all that we have been working for.  However, on the 26th action planet Mars will station Retrograde for the next two months; internalizing the energy we count on to push us forward. We will need to pace ourselves now, learn to be patient, don’t participate in arguments, watch out for accidents and work out our frustrations with physical activities that we can enjoy.  The Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn on the 28th peaks our lunar cycle showing us areas where we should be responsible, get serious and just use good common sense in any issue coming to light. The next day, thinking planet Mercury moves on to dramatic Leo. We are more aware of our impression on others, a bit more creative and think with our heart.   


Beautiful Venus leaves her drama behind and visits practical, analytical Virgo on the 9th.  No overspending now and decisions of the heart are well thought out. Lucky planet Jupiter stations direct in Scorpio on the 10th and begins his journey forward, moving fast now as it prepares to leave this sign in the fall.  Scorpio’s have been blessed with growth and prosperity since last fall. Travel and learning have been a strong theme as well for natives of this sign. Of course we have all heard of “growing pains” so everything that Jupiter brings doesn’t always feel good.  

It is also a time of letting go of anything that has been inhibiting our growth.  Things that Jupiter free us from when it is in our birth sign is to make way for future development.  The New Moon on the 12th is a Solar Eclipse in Cancer with a powerful influence for transformations to take place!  You can be sure that this cycle will bring up concerns that are ready to be revealed and attended to! Necessary changes will be brought about in some area of your life now with this powerful influence!  The Sun goes home to it’s own creative, dignified, self assured sign of Leo on the 22nd and brings a dynamic week of unpredictable and impulsive action! Things happen in an instant now and caution is needed to avoid mishaps.  Mercury Retrogrades on the 26th and makes all kinds of mischief during this overactive cosmic interval of powerful influences! Fiery Mars continues to turn his energy inward and continued frustration needs attention and release!  Then a Full Thunder Moon, which is a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius occurs on the 27th aspecting both Mars and Uranus! Shake ups occur wherever these influences fall in your birth chart. We will see these energies reflected on a global level as well; but especially in the areas where the Eclipses actually are visible.   


June:  Your personal new year begins with many options but you aren’t sure which way to go!  Income is enhanced. Travel pleasant. Month ends with focus on financial obligations.  Endings are likely but necessary.

July:  New talents may create income and assist with financial matters that surface now.  Home and family time is pleasant. Be careful with travel and words. Education may need redirection. What you believe in is challenged.   


June:  Private time is your priority.  Find new ways through reflection; meditation.  You are popular now. Income is enhanced and travel is fun!  Partner is focus later, needs support; find a fair balance.

July:  You are in the spotlight as your personal new year begins!  Health and duties need balance. Relationships change or end.  Daily life is very pleasant. Later the spotlight falls on financial picture; shared resources.


June:  New interest in social or professional groups; goals and future.  Mid month your popularity skyrockets and lingers on. Health issues get attention; discipline.  Relationships can challenge or energize you!

July:  Health on all levels gets transformed.  What was hidden is revealed. Income may increase; protect assets.  Full moon shines on partnerships and interactions as challenges arise.  Sudden change for career position.


June:  Social activities give way to solitude and a new start in career with options that may include revising duties; travel or education. Full moon light falls on fun and romance; but in a serious way.  Enjoy!

July:  You are busy behind the scenes at first then the social calendar fills as your popularity soars!  New beliefs and breakthroughs in understanding occur now. Challenges in workplace and health concerns surface later on.   


June:  You are popular with superiors then in high demand socially! New plans for travel are on your mind.  Romance is anything but dull; fun time adventurous. Home and family obligations take precedence later on.  

July:  Solitude will recharge you before the new energy takes over in career.  Balance with surfacing home and family needs. Full moon falls on romance; get back to what works.  You are impulsive and take chances.


June: A pleasant time for travel early on.  Your popularity with higher ups take you places.  A new financial plan begins with ideas for adjustments.  Responsibility in daily life at months ends. Serious talks.   

July:  Social time with friends is enjoyed all month.  Travel can be life changing and educational. Family foundations are challenged and home life feels the effects with the full moon.  Partners may be unpredictable.


June:  You may receive assets from others.  A new start in relationships mid month with financial adjustments.  Travel is enjoyed. Watch impulsive words; actions. Full moon focus on stabilizing income.

July:  Position is favored; career pleasing.  New plans with resources as income requires.  Workplace brings the unexpected. Health can change suddenly.  Full moon focus on daily life. Drive defensively; conserve energy.   


June:  Relationships are congenial.  New plans for health and workplace activity being now.  Resources may increase. The Full moon spotlight is on you as you set priorities and take on responsibilities!   

July:  Enjoy travel all month.  Review finances; make adjustments.  New beginnings in relationships are transforming!  Income and values will be highlighted during full moon.  Changing times require new plans; goals.


June:  Work and health have improved.  Partners are cooperative. New focus on children, romantic adjustments, creativity.  Full Moon illuminates private time; relax. Energy gets redirected; be active.

July: Resources may increase. Family and home life changes have begun. A new plan for wellness is needed as issues surface.  You are in the Full Moon spotlight; impulsive actions have lasting consequences; take heed.


June:  Fun time ‘til mid month, then enjoy working.  New starts in home and family life bring much activity.  Social obligations, personal and professional take center stage; future plans, goals.  Friends need support.

July:  Workplace get reviewed.  Enjoy time with partner and relationships. New cycle with romance, children brings profound changes.  Spotlight on activity behind the scenes can be revealing; promote sudden changes.


June:  Short trips and an active daily life keeps you busy. Conversations can stimulate new ideas.  Home life is pleasant. Full moon shines on career and position. Rewards only come with hard work.  

July:  New needs in home and family life bring changes, sacrifice with career.  Enjoy children and recreation; return to a special hobby. Spotlight on your place in groups or social circle, stay or go?  Future goals revised.


June:  New ideas to create multiple income streams may come to you now!  You are ready to take chances and break away from current status. Education opportunities require commitment. Travel for obligations.

July: Home life is busy; enjoyable.  Have fun; be creative. Conversations can be revealing on many levels.  Travel brings intense experiences. Spotlight falls on career; position in life as necessary review reveals direction.  

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