Mercury moves forward on the 3rd in Taurus; then returns to Gemini on the 13th and completes the shadow phase on the 18th.  We will finally be clear of the Retro energy then and able to move quickly on to new projects and plans!  Except for the first week of July, you will have the next two months to sign, decide, and make it happen!  That one week will bring confusing and uncertain communications; it is better suited for creative work.  

Jupiter will visit Aries for the next 12 months except for the last two months of this year when it briefly returns to Pisces.  Its influence brings expansion, opportunities, abundance, and prosperity! Both optimism and generosity are promoted as well.  However, it may also bring indulgence, exaggeration, and an inclination to take chances.  Jupiter in Aries desires freedom and takes action but could also be rash and impulsive at times. 

The Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius on the 14th highlights our sense of adventure and need to explore new things.  It may also bring out the truth in situations that have been going on the last couple of weeks.  Travel can include working or volunteering, but also quiet time to get away to relax.  The Summer Solstice occurs on the 21st as the Sun enters Cancer and a new season begins.  I predict a summer of travel, fun, and learning with high creative energy whether with family, friends or on your own!       

Love and money planet Venus enters fickle Gemini on the 22nd when our hearts can become restless and pockets open way too often.  Enjoy friendships and intellectual pursuits, find humor and live in the moment. 

The New Moon in Cancer on the 28th begins the next lunar cycle.  This influence brings new energy to home and family areas and asks for a balance with career demands.  An adventurous getaway is in order!   

GEMINI:  Your personal new year begins now; retrograde has cleared a new path for you! Social life is energized and expansive.  Full moon focus will fall on relationships.  Then new and unexpected options for earning.    

CANCER:  Career is energized with opportunities.  Social life is enjoyable.  Health and work are in the spotlight despite uncertainties of direction. Then, the new moon in your sign starts a fresh cycle of unusual creative energy.    

LEO:  You are favored by superiors and in career or position. Adventures in travel or education are favored.  The spotlight falls on love, romance, and fun!  The new cycle takes your focus to private matters and reveals much.  

VIRGO:  Travel is enjoyable and exciting. Resources and finances have new opportunities.  The spotlight falls on family members and home life.  Then new beginnings highlight social life, future planning, and friendships.       

LIBRA:  Relationships are energized and mutually beneficial; personal or business.  Finances are enhanced.  Travel and communication are in the spotlight.  New paths open in a career or position and come with support.          

SCORPIO: Partners are agreeable, but bring elements of the unexpected.  Finances have been reviewed and become the focus.  Work and health areas improve.  New interests in travel and education as the month ends.         

SAGITTARIUS:  Energy and growth in romance and recreation areas. The workplace and wellness are accented.  The full moon in your sign focuses on yourself.  As June ends a new cycle in your financial matters begins.     

CAPRICORN:  Enjoy romance, children, and recreation.  The home and family area has growth and energy.  Your focus is on private time; affairs.  A new cycle begins in relationships that can be creative and bring balance.    

AQUARIUS:  Accents on home and family as daily life is active; expansive.

The focus falls on personal or professional groups, social life, and future planning.  June ends with new beginnings in wellness or your workplace.      

PISCES:  Conversations are pleasant; maybe unexpected.  Energy and expansion in income options begin.  Full moon focus is on career and position.  Then, a new cycle begins with romance, children, and creativity.    

ARIES:  Jupiter’s blessings bring many options and you are ready!  Values and income are enhanced. The spotlight falls on travel and learning. A new start in homelife and family matters may bring many welcomed changes.    

TAURUS:  You are popular and favored this month. Busy in private affairs with a focus on resources and finances. New energy in daily life, short trips, and learning.  Conversations stimulate learning, new ideas; enlightenment.

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