Message from the Publishers

Happy New Year!  Here’s wishing all Paradise NEWS readers a year in which your new year’s resolutions are easier to keep than ever before.

While our planet faces many challenges, most of our own making, we are finally reaching a consensus and have started acknowledging the issue really exists. There is encouraging news everyday about cities and companies setting goals to reduce or eliminate their “carbon footprint.” The move from fossil fuel to electric vehicles is underway. Steve Traiman’s feature story on the transportation alternatives touches on that and the ability to enjoy a vacation here without a rental car. Residents are embracing the growing options too. Caron Schwartz also writes about alternative transportation in her “Hanging Around” column.

We in the sunshine state may also be able to become our own electric supplier. We made the investment in 2013 in solar panels and got an electric Chevy Volt to deliver Paradise NEWS. We have been driving on solar power for almost 10 years and highly recommend it. Electric cars are peppy, and the Volt has been fun to drive and VERY reliable. The feeling of driving on solar power is hard to beat.

Our cover story too has a transportation element this month. BITE Trolleys are the newest transport-ainment option in our readership area.

This is also our “New Years” issue and our “Get Ready For Valentine’s” issue. Paradise NEWS Astrologer Sarah Lyons has two pages (twice her usual) in this issue to do a full year’s forecast for each sign. While you are browsing, you may notice the miracles Janet Nummi has performed since becoming art & production director.

Nanette Wiser, our executive editor and most prolific researcher and writer, has somehow found enough going on in the area to fill eight pages with fun information you likely learned here first. There’s something for everyone, and even more for newcomers, in the next 60 pages.

The Arts and Leisure section has grown under the careful eye of editor and proofreader Buddy Baker. Some of the categories are now listed only online. See the list in RED and BLUE on page 45.  There is also a QR Code and a URL to help you find the page online. Speaking of online, Paradise NEWS has a robust online presence, thanks to Kaeley Dawson, our longtime online networking coordinator. She sends a digital newsletter Thursdays with things to do this weekend to a growing list of folks who subscribe for FREE on our website, We do not share subscriber data either. Our online archives go back for eitght years, and there is an amazing depth of information throughout.

This is, after all, our 28th year publishing Paradise NEWS, and our 40th in the industry. We thank you for reading and hope you resolve to read every issue thoroughly and to let our advertisers know you read about them in Paradise NEWS. Happy New Year!

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