Isla Del Sol Yacht and Country Club makes a difference in our Community!
Artilce by Star Garcia
Starting in 1991 with a small gift of $1500 from a few tennis players, the members of Isla Del Sol Yacht and Country Club have contributed over $2.5 million dollars, through 2020, to the St. Petersburg Free Medical Clinic and Daystar Life Center through “Play for Hunger.” Not only have they donated monetary contributions, they have been generous with their time and talent. They have also given food, clothing, toiletries, furniture, cars, appliances and many other items to help our neighbors in need.

This year the members of Isla Del Sol raised over $173,000. In order to make all this happen, we had several scheduled fun events over a 3-day period. It’s like one BIG family working together and we have so much fun in the process. This kind of good makes your heart feel happy and knowing you will make a difference in someone’s life is priceless. The fun events include, tennis and golf tournaments, Sunday brunch, cruise around the bay, bingo and mah jongg. To conclude the events we have a beautiful dinner and announce the fruits of the labor.

In the true spirit of Caring, Sharing, and giving, thank you to all, the Members of Isla Del Sol Yacht and Country Club for making lives of others matter in this world.