Indian Shores Residents Can Help Get Sea Oats for their Town

Pinellas County Coastal Management is again providing sea oats for planting to build up the beach dunes this summer. Sea oats aid in building dunes which can help to protect infrastructure and our beaches.

The Town of Indian Shores will apply for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection permits as in the past on behalf of Indian Shores’ residents.

Those interested should send the needed information to the Town’s Sea Oats Coordinator Darlyn Stockfisch at

The following is needed by Monday, June 21, 2021.

  1. Name, address, email and phone #
  2. A map depicting the address, exact planting location, and size (include dimensions) of the area being planted.  This will allow the County to determine the number of sea oats needed and to track dune growth. They will mostly be giving us 1” or 2” sea oats for planting. 

The Town will submit the package to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for a permit and then submit it all to Pinellas County on behalf of interested residents.

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