Indian Shores & Redington Shores Launch Volunteer Citizen Action Team

Both the Town of Indian Shores and Redington Shores have approved the Indian Shores Police Department Volunteer Citizen Action Team (C.A.T.). There are several requirements that need to be met to become a member of our Citizen Action Team. 

Citizen volunteer assignments can include administrative and operational functions. Volunteer duties could include specific clerical tasks and such things as traffic direction, patrolling the beach during turtle season, and special details at Town events. Citizen volunteers are not sworn law enforcement officers, and they do not have any police authority or arrest powers.

C.A.T. volunteers will be recruited from both Indian Shores and Redington Shores and will be deployed in a variety of assignments based upon skill set and need.

Requirements include:

  • All C.A.T. applicants will complete a volunteer application, a signed volunteer participation agreement along with a release and hold harmless waiver fully releasing both Towns and the Police Chief and Police Department from any and all liability.
  • All C.A.T. volunteers must also agree to maintain the required minimum participation level of four (4) hours per month or 48 hours annually, to be considered as an “Active Member” in the program.
  • A background check will be conducted. Upon clearance, the candidate’s application and background information along with the C.A.T. Applicant Review Board’s recommendation will be submitted to the Chief of Police for final review and appointment as a conditional C.A.T. Member.
  • All C.A.T. volunteer candidates will be required to complete a training & orientation program prior to becoming “Active Members” in the program. The C.A.T. program training curriculum may vary and evolve but at a minimum will include basic Human Resource policy and procedures and expectations of conduct and performance, basic safety and traffic safety, and basic First Aid/CPR & AED training.
  • Participation in the C.A.T. program is not guaranteed and all or part of the program may be eliminated at any time by the Chief of Police. Appointment to, participation in, and removal from the C.A.T. program will be at the sole discretion of the Chief of Police.

If you are interested in joining the Indian Shores Police Department Volunteer Citizen Action Team, please fill out and return the C.A.T. Volunteer Application.

Please call Lori Kaess at (727) 595-5414 for any questions or concerns.

We look forward to working with you!

Information courtesy of Indian Shores Police Chief Richard Swann.

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