How the pandemic affected ‘Floridians’ Free-time Routines

Article by Aura Mogosanu

When the world shut down in March, many of us had to find something pleasant to do to help pass the newfound wealth of time and make that period bearable. It’s July now and we’re all likely well-adjusted to the new normal, so are we still committed to maintaining these activities?

46% of the Florida respondents plan to dive into outdoor activities such as sports and gardening as soon as social distancing restrictions are lifted completely according to our most recent survey.

At Storage Café they conducted research with data that came from more than 1,000 survey respondents, looking into the most popular hobbies and pastimes as we hopefully move forward from lockdown into the post-lockdown period. 

Here are some more highlights of our research:

• One in four Florida respondents reported taking up a new hobby during lockdown; moreover, a staggering 76% of them stated they would like to stick to it long-term.

15% of those who made a new lifestyle choice turned to gaming, spending on average close to 3 hrs/day on this online pastime during lockdown. Californians, by comparison, spent only 1½ hrs per day on it. However, post-lockdown, the gaming fan base among respondents might drop to around 9%.

• Even though screen time and video games captured Floridians’ attention the most during lockdown, these are the leading activities they now intend to cast aside; instead they’re most looking forward to outdoor activities such as sports, gardening and fishing. You can see the full survey results, together with a full set of stats and percentages, here:

Cooking was Floridians’ most popular new lockdown hobby (24%), followed closely by arts and crafts (18%), from sewing – including masks for personal protection – painting and drawing, crocheting, knitting, quilting and candle-making to others that saw a revival like embroidery, finger knitting and tatting, alongside pottery, woodworking and jewelry making.

• Others took on playing an instrument, exercising, learning coding and web design, or board games.

• Even though screen time and video games captured Floridians’ attention the most during lockdown, these are the leading activities they now intend to do less of, focusing instead more on activities that get them moving, like exercising, gardening, fishing or even bird watching.

Here’s the link to the research

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