What’s Hot

By Nanette Wiser

KIDS & FISHING Reel in your little Captain Nemo with a visit to the popular Kids’ Fishing Clinic, presented by the
non-profit Hook the Future. Presented by Captain Don Dingman, who has a cable TV show and donates his time to help children learn to fish, the program taking place at the St. Petersburg Powerboat and Sailboat Show Jan. 20-23 is for children ages 4-16.  Want to be on a future show: Send name, age, address, and parent’s contact number to captdon@hookthefuture.com; names are drawn eight weeks before the shoot. Drawing thousands of boating enthusiasts and sailing lovers to the downtown waterfront, the 44th Annual St. Petersburg Power and Sailboat Show is at the Duke Energy Center for the Arts Mahaffey Theater–Yacht Basin and Albert Whitted Park (next to the Dali Museum).

In Pinellas County, there are many opportunities to introduce a child to the joy of fishing. Kids’ Fishing Clinics are one-day educational events established by the Outreach and Education section of the Division of Marine Fisheries Management, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.  Also check out specialty camps at the Y and the non-profit organization Take A Kid Fishing. www.takffl.com

ADOPT A FUR-BABY The ultimate romance in 2022? You and Fido or Fifi. Adopting a pet is preferable to buying one online or from a pet store; in fact, Pinellas County has put a moratorium on opening any new pet stores in the county in 2022. You can foster a pet as well. A rescue pet is the ultimate love story. Pet rescue organizations help match the pet to your home, your personality, background and medical history as well as helping you decide if adding a second (or third!) pet is a good match.

Check out The Humane Society of Pinellas, SPCA Tampa Bay, Fluff Animal Rescue, Friends of Strays, Pinellas County Animal Services, Safe Paws and the cornucopia of rescue dogs by breed (pit bull, greyhound). Ready to adopt? Don’t make a quick decision, think about your schedule, and time commitment. Don’t rush introductions and learn as much as you can about the fur-baby that caught your eye. Make sure to get a wellness check in, choose a good vet and kitten/puppy proof your home. If you can, think about adopting an older animal and you’ll skip the potty-training headaches. Finally ask yourself what you want? An exercise companion? A cuddler? Then find the perfect match for your heart’s desire.

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