Holiday Safety from Indian Shores Police Chief Ray DeCunto

Decorations are up and holiday functions are in full swing. This time of year usually brings much joy and happiness but can also bring increased safety concerns. I want to encourage you to be mindful of some extra precautions you can take during your holiday celebrations.  

Everyone loves celebrating New Year’s Eve with friends and family; however, there is a safe way to do this. Two concerns come to mind during the holiday season: 1) an increase in alcohol consumption and 2) fireworks-related injuries.

In order to stay safe, I have provided you with some safety tips when ringing in the New Year:

Alcohol Safety:

  • Don’t drink and drive! Remember buzzed driving is drunk driving.
  • Make a safety plan BEFORE you consume any alcohol.  Many injuries and deaths on roads every year are due to drinking and driving.
  • When outside at public functions never leave your drink unattended.
  • Stay with your friends and family. If you need to leave them, maintain communication so someone always knows where you are and who you are with.

Firework Precautions:

  • Fireworks and alcohol do not mix! Designate a sober individual to manage the fireworks.
  • Never aim a firework at anyone.
  • Fireworks should be set off only in open spaces and locations.
  • Back away quickly after lighting a firework.
  • Keep a bucket of water and a hose close by in case of fire.
  • Supervise children closely.

This is truly a special time of the year and safety sometimes falls to the wayside. These listed safety tips are a friendly way to remind us that with a little pre-planning, we can still enjoy our family and friends this holiday season.  Remember prepared not paranoid is the first step to your safety. 

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and please have a safe and Happy New Year!

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